Let's talk about Gettysburg! Put your questions and comments here.
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Post by oho »

Being able to make a movement comand on the 2D map would be great.
Zoom on this map is also very useful.
Alternative is making the 3D Map an overview map with 90 degree view from the top and max zoomed out, this also possible from the courier order movement screen.
NY Cavalry
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Post by NY Cavalry »

Mine is a simple wish. It is that X Navy Seal will one day win a MP game. Keep trying Seal I know you can do it.

NY Cav

All in jest.
X Navy Seal
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Post by X Navy Seal »

Ha-ha - that was actually pretty funny harmon.
Amish John
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Post by Amish John »

Anyone think this would be handy...?
A "Temporary Halt" command so you could stop part way to a destination and then a "Resume March" command to continue to the originally selected destination without having to reselect it.
You can get farther with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.
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Post by Gfran64 »

Amish John wrote:
Anyone think this would be handy...?
A "Temporary Halt" command so you could stop part way to a destination and then a "Resume March" command to continue to the originally selected destination without having to reselect it.
That is brilliant!!!!!!

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Post by Willard »

Couple of requests...

#1 - Volley fire and hold fire.

#2 - For MP play, a Take Command button for AI controlled units. For example, say I take control of a division of artillery, but there are 2 in the OOB and not enough players, a TC button to take command of that second division would help. This would be great for players to take control of additional units.

#3 - Road column formation button for artillery batteries and art division commanders.

#4 - Road column formation button for corps commanders.

#5 - Freestyle courier option.

#6 - Eliminate column and skirmish charge.

#7 - Would also like to see it impossible for skirmish units to be charged - would like to see skirmish units fallback 100-300 yards instead of getting wiped out in charges.

#8 - Tweak Federal sharpshooter regiments. Decrease range from 400 yards to about 250 yards effective range and decrease ROF. Would like to see increased morale hit for damage to sharpshooter regiments in line formation.
Michael Slaunwhite
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Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

I was playing a Multiplayer game, and a thought popped into my head. Wouldn't it be a cool thing that when you choose your command, why not have the option to enter your own name as the name of the commander before the game starts. Then the game takes the new info, creates a new oob, and off you go.

Better yet, have this also be something that can be added to sandbox mode.

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Post by DavidAcheson140PVI »

Pick and choose OOBS!! so like if you want cavalry but its not in your division or corps you can make it be in there
Virginians with me! Who will come with me?! - Lewis Armistead, July 3rd, 1863
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Post by FH_Little »

I've had the game for a couple of months now and I've been reading the forums long before that so I figured I'd register and get my two cents in.

A Line-of-fire button would be nice to have in order to help with the placement of units especially in hilly terrain. Being able to see that if I move a regiment 2 yards forward it expands it's LOF before it's too late...

And like many here I'd like a volley command. In game where morale is important I'd like to be able to have a sheet of flame and lead as an opening shot then a slow trickle of men opening fire.

Of course as your being surrounded on all sides, a "Death Blossom" button couldn't hurt...

I started playing SMG in 2001 and have been waiting for a game like this ever since. I bought both the TC games when they came out and it just whetted my appetite for a MP version. I've gotten a few MP games in so far, thanks to NY Cav for showing me some of the ropes.

Thanks to Norb and the whole team not just for a great game but for also being here involved in the forums.
Rich Mac
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Post by Rich Mac »

Three things....

1. Free Text Courier messages in MP. Can't say enough how this would help (and change) multiplayer. Please get this in the game as soon as you make additions. PLEASE!!!!

2. Road March AI adjustment. Ever notice that if you set a brigade (or any unit) off on a road march and the leader gets separated from the subordinates, you can't adjust your road march destination without the subordinates wanting to do it from the location of the superior? That's really annoying. Especially playing HITS where you set your units off on a road march and run the General ahead to scout. If you then try to adjust that road march order to a different location, your units will all head off-road towards the Superior's location, and then make a direct line back to the road from there. There should be some way that they simply take the most direct road path from their own location. Sorry, I probably explained this one badly :blink:

3. Exploding caissons. Yes, this is mainly eye-candy and it wouldn't (shouldn't) happen too often, but wouldn't it be nice to see enemy caissons occasionally exploding from direct artillery hits? I believe it should knock out the artillery piece as well. I've read accounts of battle lines erupting in cheers at the sight of a fireball rising on the enemy lines and the subsequent boom that signified the end of an enemy caisson and gun crew. I know this isn't on anyone's priority list, but I'd like to throw it out there ;)
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