Federal Sharpshooter Regiments

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Federal Sharpshooter Regiments

Post by Willard »

Are there any plans to modify the stats of the Federal Sharpshooter regiments?
They are way to over powered in the game.
Would modifying their morale so they are more fragile be a possibility and lowering the rate of fire?
When these units are put in line formation they can be devastating.
I thought (???) they were traditionally used as skirmishers and on the flanks.
It doesn't make sense that such an elite unit would be used on the front line.

Any thoughts???
Jack ONeill
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Re:Federal Sharpshooter Regiments

Post by Jack ONeill »


Oddly enough, Gettysburg was one of the very few times both the US Sharpshooter Regimnets were used A) as regiments as a whole and B) fought as a line unit so to speak. I have that documentation somewhere here in the clutter.
I will agree however, the range could be shortened to maybe 300 yards rather than 400. Their effective range may have been 400+ yards firing om a range, but under fire, of any kind, that changes downward rapidly.
As a Marine Rifleman, (among other things), we were trained to hit a target at 500 yds. As as combat veteran, I can assure you, that distance goes out the window when shit is raining down on you.
My two cents.

Jack O'Neill B)
American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

"Molon Labe"
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Re:Federal Sharpshooter Regiments

Post by Willard »

I don't know about the historical effective range, but my guess is that 400 yards is a bit much. Between the extended range, faster firing rate and the accuracy, the big thing is a game balance issue. Dropping the effective range to 250-300 yards would be a big plus, and perhaps lowering the accuracy and firing rate. The unit should still benefit from the extended range and ROF, but the are absolute artillery killers at 400 yards. They can rout batteries before they even have time to unlimber.
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Re:Federal Sharpshooter Regiments

Post by Gfran64 »

I am inclined to agree. They should function like they did historically. If they were capable of taking out an enemy battery at 400 yards within a few minutes then they would have been used that way during the battle. To the best of my knowledge they weren't capable of doing that.


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