scourge of war:gettysburg! cheats.

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hurrah for the union
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scourge of war:gettysburg! cheats.

Post by hurrah for the union »

hello there fellows :) am here in this place that is the best to ask for scourge of war gettysburg! cheats. i want a list of all cheats you know. because i need some. i want cheats to increase regiment's firepower and skills. and i want cheats that increase regiment's numbers! and cheats that make troops run quickly in evrey type of terrien. and i need a cheat shows evrey enemy on the map how ever. if these type of cheats i requested are not avilable. just display all cheats you have got :) thanks.

see you on the battlefield.....
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Re: scourge of war:gettysburg! cheats.

Post by norb »

The only way to add cheats to the game is to mod it, and you can only mod the full version of the game.
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Little Powell
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Re:scourge of war:gettysburg! cheats.

Post by Little Powell »

hurrah for the union wrote:
hello there fellows :) am here in this place that is the best to ask for scourge of war gettysburg! cheats. i want a list of all cheats you know. because i need some. i want cheats to increase regiment's firepower and skills. and i want cheats that increase regiment's numbers! and cheats that make troops run quickly in evrey type of terrien. and i need a cheat shows evrey enemy on the map how ever. if these type of cheats i requested are not avilable. just display all cheats you have got :) thanks.

see you on the battlefield.....
There are no cheats for the game, however you can adjust the enemy AI morale, aggressiveness and strength in the options. Or you can learn how to mod the csv files and change basically everything about the regiments.
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Re:scourge of war:gettysburg! cheats.

Post by Gfran64 »

hurrah for the union wrote:
hello there fellows :) am here in this place that is the best to ask for scourge of war gettysburg! cheats. i want a list of all cheats you know. because i need some. i want cheats to increase regiment's firepower and skills. and i want cheats that increase regiment's numbers! and cheats that make troops run quickly in evrey type of terrien. and i need a cheat shows evrey enemy on the map how ever. if these type of cheats i requested are not avilable. just display all cheats you have got :) thanks.

see you on the battlefield.....

Might I suggest that you get more familiar and comfortable with the game. Play the tutorials first on easy and then on normal and the veteran. Get used to the spacing and pathing of troops. Get more effective with your troop movements and deployments. Work on your strategy all this time and find out what you are good at, offense, defense, attack, defend or counter attack. Make notes during your scenarios. Learn from your mistakes. Read the manual, cover to cover and then read it again after a few weeks of playing. This game has a large learning curve if especially if you are new to this type of game. It takes a while to get any good at it. It also helps to have a good understanding of the battle itself. If you do what the real commanders did then you will get pretty much the same result both good and bad.

Hope this helps,

Greg B)
hurrah for the union
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Re:scourge of war:gettysburg! cheats.

Post by hurrah for the union »

hmmmm so you are telling me to change the csv files? where are they? in te folder? how can you change these files and what to do?

NY Cavalry
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Re:scourge of war:gettysburg! cheats.

Post by NY Cavalry »

First off you need to go to your options and make adjustments to the AI. Half the fun is in learning while you play the game. Nobody wants to ruin that for you. To master the game you will simply need to practice. Read up on the weapons of the civil war especially the artillery. Start small using terrain and good tactics and then work your way up in to being a skilled field commander. Good luck and have fun.

hurrah for the union
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Re:scourge of war:gettysburg! cheats.

Post by hurrah for the union »

i have already masterd the terrien use and the troops morale. but yet am a poor field genral. i dont know much about tactics. although i have read about the civil war's weapons. and artillery was the must to be read. i have readen about the artillery and cannons used during the american civil war. and my favourite cannon is the 400IBS parrot. its an awsome cannon. parrots have long range. and good accuracy. making them a deadly weapon at hand. and i also like the smoothbores. bad cannons. no rifling. and short range. the smoothbore was used in the maxican-american war as a light artillery.

see you on the battlefield.
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Re:scourge of war:gettysburg! cheats.

Post by DavidAcheson140PVI »

uh theres on such thing as a 400 lb parrot gun. The biggest one was only 300 lb.
Virginians with me! Who will come with me?! - Lewis Armistead, July 3rd, 1863
J Canuck
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Re:scourge of war:gettysburg! cheats.

Post by J Canuck »

hurrah for the union wrote:
hello there fellows :) am here in this place that is the best to ask for scourge of war gettysburg! cheats. i want a list of all cheats you know. because i need some. i want cheats to increase regiment's firepower and skills. and i want cheats that increase regiment's numbers! and cheats that make troops run quickly in evrey type of terrien. and i need a cheat shows evrey enemy on the map how ever. if these type of cheats i requested are not avilable. just display all cheats you have got :) thanks.
I like your style: sounds like we have here General Nathan Bedford Forrest reincarnate, who never followed rules - the greatest cheater of any war.

Peach Orchard
Alone and surrounded by Union soldiers who demanded his surrender, Forrest replied: “I’ve already surrendered; I’ll go back and get what few men I have left.” Then, as if still in command, Forrest wheeled his mount and rode off. The Union soldiers apparently stunned and confused by what had just happened, were reported to have looked at each other and said: “That’s cheatin'!":S

Parker's Crossroads
Caught in a vise between two enemy armies, both numerically stronger than his, a Colonel asked: “General, what shall we do?” Forrest, replied, “Charge them both ways.” Union soldiers apparently were heard to yell at Forrest breaking through to his escape: “That aint fightin' fair!”:(
hurrah for the union
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Re:scourge of war:gettysburg! cheats.

Post by hurrah for the union »

there is a 400ib parrot. its huge and big. long range and tationed at once. it canot be moved from its place once limberd. it takes alot of time to limbre it. the troops and engineers fortify these artillery in forts only and in battlefield its a free meal to be stolen or somthing. i think it can be limberd on trains.

how ever. in tactics. am no good attacker. am very good at defense. alot better then attacking. my ability control is bad i think. i cant lead big armies easily. am better to follow orders then saying them and am better at defense then attack. i lean towards a wall or a fence or breastwork instead of sending my troops out in the open. i am good abit on flanking but hardly can do a flanking strategy while commanding a divisiion or corps.

hurrah for the union! i will crush these traitors and kill them. for the glory of the north! all hail thy union! hail hail hail!!!!
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