Scenario Twenty-Four problem

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Scenario Twenty-Four problem

Post by kaplan71 »

Hi there --

Scenario Twenty-Four is becoming a real problem. I accomplish the first objective about ten minutes into the battle, but maintaining the second one is becoming almost impossible. My strategy includes moving all my regiments except the two brought by Custer over to the second objective, and massing them there. At the same time, I am trying to bring up the artillery, and position it on Custer's left flank to provide support there.

One thing that I notice is points get subtracted from my score very quickly, while adding them seems to take a really long time. What other strategies are recommended here?

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Re: Scenario Twenty-Four problem

Post by born2see »

Scenario 24 is a RebBugler design. He has a sign above his design area which reads:

Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Enter Here! :evil:

But you probably wanted some help instead of some wise-ass remark. ;)

Last edited by born2see on Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Scenario Twenty-Four problem

Post by RebBugler »

Tip...while you're holding the 1st objective, get a unit forward and up the ridge to the fence line. Enemy troops approaching obj 2 will then have to halt and engage. This also helps set up holding obj 3. ;)
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Re: Scenario Twenty-Four problem

Post by kaplan71 »

I tried what you suggested, and not only did it not work, but I got a negative score. Also, while the first two objectives appeared, there was no mention of a third one. What gives?
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Re: Scenario Twenty-Four problem

Post by RebBugler »

I tried what you suggested, and not only did it not work, but I got a negative score. Also, while the first two objectives appeared, there was no mention of a third one. What gives?
Please read the Intro...Gameplay, it explains about the 3 objectives. Since this is a short scenario, many variants are scripted for replay value. So, keep plugging, a variant where the enemy arrives later will eventually come along. Still, the best strategy I've found is too head the enemy reinforcements off before they reach your objective zones.
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Re: Scenario Twenty-Four problem

Post by kaplan71 »

I have made it to the point where the second objective appears, but I am not getting any further. I need further assistance here. Also, how many minutes into the scenario must I secure the first objective? Currently, I get the first objective in about nine minutes.
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Re: Scenario Twenty-Four problem

Post by kaplan71 »

I haven't heard back concerning this issue, so I just wanted to follow up by asking the question:

How soon into the scenario must I secure the first objective?

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Re: Scenario Twenty-Four problem

Post by RebBugler »

I haven't heard back concerning this issue, so I just wanted to follow up by asking the question:

How soon into the scenario must I secure the first objective?

Secure the objectives in a timely manner, or, as fast a possible. Still, you must prepare for the next objective, set it up, you know it's coming. Doubletime some of Custer's troops coming up, keep them on the road, and send them straight to the second objective. Rush enemy guns that are close to your objectives, they retreat when threatened.

Good Luck, thanks for the feedback. :)
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Grognard Pierre
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Re: Scenario Twenty-Four problem

Post by Grognard Pierre »

Is this the ultimate challenge scenario? I am seriously stuck here. :( I have played numerous games where I struggled to hold the second objective and failed to even achieve a positive score by game end.

The victory timer is frustrating because when it stops counting then the tight schedule is ruined and things turn to pot. Had I strayed outside 200 yards with some of my men? Perhaps too many enemy had pressed into the victory point zone, or maybe one of my units morale had dropped. Well, if anything, this exercise has made me more attentive to my units health. I place myself (Gregg) right on the victory point marker location and by checking the range to the Confederate Units I can get a sense of where the victory zone lies.

I have to watch the clock, at scenario start + 5 minutes I must move order the 5th Michigan 2nd Squadron, at 10 minutes the one of the 6th Michigan squadrons needs prompting. At 20 minutes I can move or unlimber the artillery.

Whether to double time has been perplexing. I've tried double time for everything but my whole force gets too tired, and with the continual fighting tends to break more easily. But if they all walk then it takes too long for the reinforcements to arrive, and the 1st Brigade get overwhelmed. I need to mix it up a bit.

The artillery is so far away, I was moving the batteries forward by one ridgeline but have decided perhaps it's best to leave it where it is. At 20 minutes in there is not time remaining in the scenario to move it anywhere significantly better and have it be effective. They are 3" Parrots, so they have the range. My artillery ends the scenario with a score of zero, so I am not sure if they are achieving anything though.

After a few more games I am now holding the third objective for a while. One thousand points is still far away. (Last game 361, the game before that 371).

Any Generals out there who would have some further pointers and agree or otherwise with my ideas above? This scenario is tough. :S
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Re: Scenario Twenty-Four problem

Post by RebBugler »

Well, put on my player's hat and gave this one a go for old times sake. First three attempts disaster, Rebs were all over the second objective before I had time to shield it's radius. Fourth time was almost charm, scored a victory 856, missed a MV by two minutes holding the third objective.

Yeah, this one's a bugger. And, once you figure it out, you still have to get a favorable variant, as some of the variants that release the enemy sooner are almost impossible to conquer.

Good Luck General, because both Luck and good Generalship are required here. :)
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