Gettyburg newbie requests advice on moving Artllery groups in Single Player

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Jean Lafitte
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Gettyburg newbie requests advice on moving Artllery groups in Single Player

Post by Jean Lafitte »

I'm playing RebBugler's fine 150th GB-01 Day One CSA attack, Army level. It's Single Player and I'm handling the whole CS Army.

I've got the hang of moving the Infantry around. I really could use some advice on moving the numerous batteries of Artillery around the board. I've tried to use the artillery battalion commanders to at least gather their batteries, but, I can't figure out how to do that.

It would be great if we could use the Artillery battalion commanders to gather their batteries in a location so that we could more easily TC place the individual batteries while keeping the artillery battalions grouped together.

I surely hope that I won't have to TC each individual battery to move them around. Both CS and US armies have too many batteries for that.

Thanks very much.
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Re: Gettyburg newbie requests advice on moving Artllery groups in Single Player

Post by RebBugler »

No need to manage individual batteries because all artillery is grouped in divisions separate from the infantry divisions. To move an artillery division most effectively TC the division CO, give destination, formation, direction, roadmarch if applicable, and then quickly hit the tcofficers command. To change commands hit Atcommoff then repeat the tcofficers sequence again.

Good Generaling Sir with this scenario group, I know of no one who's completed it let alone with a Major Victory. But I did, or it wouldn't have been released. It follows Lee's strategy from day to day and it's the players duty to follow his orders to attack or defend relentlessly...To a Major Victory!
Last edited by RebBugler on Mon Feb 29, 2016 12:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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