How long to create single-player scenario from scratch using KS mod?

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How long to create single-player scenario from scratch using KS mod?

Post by MarshalJean »

Hello, friends.

I don't own any SoW games so forgive my ignorance. But I was wondering, now that the SDK has been released, and the KS mod is up and running, if a player has properly installed the KS mod, how difficult/time consuming is it to take a map and create an army-sized (multi-corps) level force for both sides and then jump into the action as an army commander for one of the sides? Minutes? Hours?

For instance, if I wanted to simulate a fictional battle using Napoleon's 1813 army against Schwarzenberg's Army of Bohemia in a non-descript town, how long would it take me to create the OoBs and then start playing, once I was acclimated to the scenario editor and KS mods?

Thanks ahead of time for the response. I'm asking because my time prevents me from playing multi-player and so I'm looking for a decent AI opponent using a system that allows me to simulate battles across the Napoleonic Wars era with the ability to create formations/OoBs fairly quickly. I'm not sure such a game exists (I love HistWar, but it's AI is lacking). Anyway, any help on this would be great. I will also post this in the Scenario Editor thread, in case this thread is an inappropriate place.

Thanks again.

Last edited by MarshalJean on Wed Jul 27, 2016 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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