Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

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Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by mike1984 »

For years I made attempts to tackle the full Gettysburg scenario. Being the finicky player that I am, the lack of fences--told you I was finicky--kept bugging me enough that I just couldn't continue the scenario.

But now, with Mark's new map that includes all the fences and added territory around Gettysburg, combined with the latest (when I started 2 weeks ago, at least) flags from RebBugler, I've found a level of historical realism that makes me really want to tackle this one.

So I launched the scenario, playing as the Union, capturing screenshots as I went along. I won't get into too much detail with decision making or strategy, but a few comments for each slide should offer at least a little entertainment for those interested.

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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by mike1984 »

Morning. Buford's 1st Division engages Heth's Division west of Herr's Ridge. The AI in this scenario approaches attacks at a much more realistic clip. It's not just charge-melee-slaughter. There are several minutes of line firing at about 80-140 yards.
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Gamble's 1st Brigade west of Herr's Ridge.
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Devin's 2nd Brigade moves in to support Gamble.
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The dismounted troopers hold off the rebels for more than 30 minutes (game time), falling back to Herr's Ridge, then across Willoughby Run where Calef's 2nd U.S., Battery A has been firing away.
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The lead regiments of Wadworth's 1st Division, I Corps double-quick down the Chambersburg Pike, as the cavalry falls back to the flanks. Heth's Division continues it's assault across the creek, running headlong into the 14th Brooklyn, 95th New York, and 56th Pennsylvania. The remaining regiments form Cutler's 1st Brigade, 1st Division move into support. Heth is forced to fall back with heavy casualties.
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Midday. Both sides have spent the last 20 minutes regrouping and forming lines. The rebel divisions of Rodes and Pender have arrived to the North and West, respectively, while the remaining units from the Union I Corps and XI Corps have filed onto the field. Sticking somewhat to historical positions, Robinson's 2nd Division, I Corps is just south of Oak Hill, Rowley's 3rd Division, I Corps supports the 1st Division straddling the Chambersburg Pike; Schurz's 3rd Division and Barlow's 1st Division of the XI Corps are to the right of Oak Hill, stretching to Blocher's Knoll. Von Steinweir's 2nd Division, XI Corps is the reserve on Cemetery Hill.
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Schurz's 3rd Division in the open farmland north of town.
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The Iron Brigade replaces Cutler's men near the McPherson Farm and Herbst's Woods.

After the lull, the rebel offensive resumes on all fronts North and West, with fierce fighting near the McPherson Farm and the woods south of Oak Hill. Early's Division is arriving East of Barlow's position, marching down the Harrisburg Road.
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Meredith's 2nd "Iron" Brigade, 1st Division, I Corps faces Archer's and Pettigrew's brigades.
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The 1st Brigade, 1st Division holds off Davis's Brigade from Heth's Division and Daniel's Brigade from Rodes's Division north of the railroad cut.
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Afternoon. 20 minutes into the assault, the first Federal regiments begin to break in the center. Unlike the actual battle, the 2nd Division, I Corps was not positioned in such an extreme salient. But that only bought a few minutes. The concentration of Rodes' brigades was too much. Casualties quickly begin to mount. Around this time, the 1st and 3rd Divisions, I Corps fall back to new positions along Seminary Ridge, bolstered by 24 guns from Wainwright's artillery battalion. Stone's 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, I Corps holds a key intersection along the Chambersburg Pike, just east of the railroad cut, but sustains heavy casualties doing so.
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The 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, XI Corps engages Doles's and Ramseur's Brigades east of Oak Hill.
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The front line of the 2nd Division, I Corps begins to falter south of Oak Hill, but a second line is ready to receive the enemy.
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Barlow's 1st Division makes first contact with Early's Division on the extreme right.
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The 16th Maine makes its historic stand on Oak Ridge, allowing the rest of the 2nd Division to fall back to Pennsylvania College and regroup.
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The 2nd "Bucktail" Brigade, 3rd Division, I Corps forms a crescent around the Thompson Farm.
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As the two corps conduct a relatively orderly retreat south, fighting centers around the Seminary and Pennsylvania College.
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Up next: The rebel assault on Cemetery Hill and Culp's Hill.
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Last edited by mike1984 on Tue Feb 20, 2018 4:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by RebBugler »

Do I have to use a 3rd party photo host?
You shouldn't have to. I use this site's 'Add Attachment' settings with no problems, my browser is Firefox, it also works with Chrome and IE.

Not sure what you're doing wrong. Maybe its the BMP conversions, I convert them to jpg. Also, after you add the attachment make sure you click 'Insert'.

Looking forward to seeing your screenshots. :)
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by Davinci »

[Reb] - I don't think that the attachment [ Insert] works with the "Firefox" browser, I can only get the picture to load by using the Internet Explorer.

This started happening years ago with the "Firefox" browser and as far as I know the problem has never been fixed.

Last edited by Davinci on Mon Feb 19, 2018 5:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by RebBugler »

[Reb] - I don't think that the attachment [ Insert] works with the "Firefox" browser, I can only get the picture to load by using the Internet Explorer.

This started happening years ago with the "Firefox" browser and as far as I know the problem has never been fixed.

Yeah, I know, used to be the case for me also. However, sometime last year I tried a Firefox attachment for the heck of it and Eureka, it worked...And has worked ever since. The fix, at least for my setup, must have happened with an update because my setup remained basically the same.

Good hearing from ya D. Glad you're getting more involved again. :)
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by mike1984 »

Tried uploading on IE (haven't used that in years, lol) and it worked. So now the screenshots are posted. The images follow the descriptive paragraphs.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by mike1984 »

I have a question about the scripting. When it says "if the rebels gain a foothold on Cemetery Hill..." what does that exactly mean? How much of the hill must they control? And what if they dont' control it? Will they back off the assault before nightfall? Thanks.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by Davinci »

"mike1984" - Great Pictures!

You should try the New Units from "Pom" that were released not to long ago, they really do a great deal of variety to the Confederate Army.

"Rebs" Flags looks good , I prefer having them a bit lower!

So, how does the game Play with all of those Flags activated at the same time?

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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by mike1984 »

Very smooth with the flags. I did try the new sprites, but it slowed it down *a lot* so I ditched them for this one.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by RebBugler »

I have a question about the scripting. When it says "if the rebels gain a foothold on Cemetery Hill..." what does that exactly mean? How much of the hill must they control? And what if they dont' control it? Will they back off the assault before nightfall? Thanks.
Great question, you're the first to ask, and the answer is key to success. In the center of Cemetery Hill a stealth (hidden) objective will appear at dawn the second day. If the Rebs activate and capture it they will continue to build up along Cemetery Hill. If the Yanks capture it the Rebs will withdraw, unless engaged, and not continue with any more assaults on the Hill that day, assuming the historical stance. Same goes for Culp's Hill and its stealth objective there.

Great Screenshots with a nice presentation. This AAR is quite a treat, Thanks! :)
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