Resolution Issues

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Little Powell
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Resolution Issues

Post by Little Powell »

If you have found that TC2M is not displaying properly in the games native resolution, you can change it to your computers resolution by doing the following:

1. Open the TC2M.ini file.

2. Add the following if you don't have it, you should have an Initialization section:


Full Screen=0

3. Make sure that Full Screen is 0, this doesn't work well if it's not. Then set your desired width and height. I had it running at 1920x1200.

4. Now everything should look OK except for the compass. This we leave to the mod community. There are a couple of files that you need to look at to fix this from the SDK folder.

a. sprites.csv - 2nd line, compass, change the scale (column E), the higher the res the bigger this gets, so you'll need to scale it down

b. toolbar.csv - last line, compass, you'll need to fiddle with the loc x and loc y (columns C&D) to get the compass where you want it. These values really mean nothing. I had a very hard time getting the compass to show at all, it was mostly guess work. So just tweak them a little bit at a time until it's where you want. If it disappears, start over. (the original values are 101,72)
JC Edwards
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Re: Resolution Issues

Post by JC Edwards »

What are your monitor dimensions LP?

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Re: Resolution Issues

Post by bazjak »

Cant find the TC2M.ini file in the Steam download
Can you help please
JC Edwards
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Re: Resolution Issues

Post by JC Edwards »

Cant find the TC2M.ini file in the Steam download
Can you help please
I have no info on the Steam download. Can anyone please help bazjak out?

ye olde Sarge
'The path that is not seen, nor hidden, should always be flanked'
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Little Powell
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Re: Resolution Issues

Post by Little Powell »

This is where it should be located:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Take Command - 2nd Manassas\

This is from my Win 7 box, but it should be similar for other versions.
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Re: Resolution Issues

Post by richfed »

Steam Version on a new PC - screen resolution 3840 x 2160 - I tried tinkering with the .ini as advised above. Can't seem to get it right. After first starting up the game, everything was way out of whack and tiny. Mouse cursor runs under the game [invisibly]. Shuffled my screen icons around, as well. So, I took a look here and tried editing. Initially, Full Screen was set at "1''. I changed to "0" and tried various resolutions. Still too small and occupies only a quarter - to a third of my screen. Mouse still disappears if I move it over the game part of the screen.

Here's what Initialization code looks like: I have changed the H & W to several different settings. Can't get it right and my mouse disappears.

Full Screen=0
;Alpha Omega=1

Any help appreciated. I miss playing this game!
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Re: Resolution Issues

Post by RebBugler »

I don't know about the issue you're having and I don't have TC2M installed, however, if I experienced this issue I'd start with this configuration...

Full Screen=1
;Alpha Omega=1

...Then work my way up through the game's available resolution options, keeping Full Screen=1 enabled, to find the best resolution for my setup. Note that the beginning screens may be narrow, but then the ingame screen will be full screen or at least expanded. So you have to start a game with each resolution change to see the battlefield display, the primary resolution determiner.
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Re: Resolution Issues

Post by richfed »

As far as I can figure, the game is unplayable. No matter the settings, mouse cursor gets lost under the map and options panel. I switched the first value back to "1" and the H & W to my maximum resolution. Battlefield view is good, but with no mouse, it is not good :-) . I wonder, is there a way to play this in a window?
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Re: Resolution Issues

Post by RebBugler »

As far as I can figure, the game is unplayable. No matter the settings, mouse cursor gets lost under the map and options panel. I switched the first value back to "1" and the H & W to my maximum resolution. Battlefield view is good, but with no mouse, it is not good :-) . I wonder, is there a way to play this in a window?
Have you tried a larger pointer option? Maybe it will translate into the game. Seems like I remember that TC2M had optional pointers, maybe there's a fix if it's a pointer issue due to large resolutions.
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