'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

This is where our experts try to teach you the very flexible modding system for our previous release - SOW Gettysburg and its add-ons. It's powerful, but dangerous. Post your tips and your questions.
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Re: 'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »


I've seen that issue many times before, it's a mod conflict. If you have all the 'True Ground' mods prioritized in the lowest positions in Modifications I'm surprised it happened. Regardless, some mod is causing the conflict, either fix the prioritization situation or disable mods till the issue is solved.
Last edited by RebBugler on Wed Jan 22, 2020 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Chichetr »

Hey Reb,

Can you better explain what "prioritize" means? Or maybe have a screenshot of what to do to "prioritize" the files?
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Re: 'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

Hey Reb,

Can you better explain what "prioritize" means? Or maybe have a screenshot of what to do to "prioritize" the files?
In the Modifications window (attached), the mod TC2M SOW Infantry SR1 is in the second lowest priority position of enabled mods. Use the arrows below to prioritize the mod selected either up or down.
TG SR1 August 2023.jpg
TG SR1 August 2023.jpg (343.57 KiB) Viewed 411 times
Map mods are the worse offenders at causing conflicts. Notice how the example here has all unused map mods disabled.
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Re: 'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Chichetr »

Hey Reb,

Can you better explain what "prioritize" means? Or maybe have a screenshot of what to do to "prioritize" the files?
In the Modifications window (attached), the mod TC2M SOW Infantry SR1 is in the lowest priority position of enabled mods. Use the arrows below to prioritize the mod selected either up or down.
Map mods are the worse offenders at causing conflicts. Notice how the example here has all unused map mods disabled.
REB! You are the best! Thank you so much! Prioritizing the files did the trick and the scenario boots without any issue now!

Now I have one more question.....all of the uniforms are the stock grey and are not like the ones your screenshots, I have all of the mods listed...am I doing anything wrong here?

I saw that I may need to delete something? Also I notice that performance drops significantly and I think this may be something that I'm doing (I have a really power computer that has never had frame issues).
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Re: 'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

Now I have one more question.....all of the uniforms are the stock grey and are not like the ones your screenshots, I have all of the mods listed...am I doing anything wrong here?
More than likely it's an Options adjustment. Check in Options that you have Best selected for Uniform Quality.

As for the lag you're experiencing, to help out go to Options page 2 and lower the Max Terrain Draw Distance setting. I set mine to High rather than Best and it's barely noticeable visually but sure helps with engine performance.
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Re: 'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

Update version 1.1...

- New Scenario: GB2-16_July2-Wilcox & Lang, Attack Defend (C-Div) INFO
- Edited GB2-15: Added 5 minutes to its length; re-scripted some movements to better reflect historical timelines; redesigned retreat movements to look more realistic, opting for column rather than line formations
- Miscellaneous text edits across all released scenarios

After basically finishing the GB2-16 scenario I went back to GB2-15 and edited it with some new ideas and techniques learned as summarized above. Then it was replayed. The replay went well, but again, as reported with a similar outcome in its INFO post, I came up a couple of minutes short of capturing the last objective. It was then I was convinced to lengthen it to 45 minutes, like GB2-16. Sure, it's a little less difficult now, but I didn't want folks to feel like they have to rush through it to win. Still a tough scenario to win, but folks that finally figure it out, shouldn't have to play it at a frantic pace to achieve a Major Victory. In fact, you should have a little time left to 'mop up' if everything clicks...
IOW, if you Kick Butt. :evil:
Last edited by RebBugler on Fri Aug 21, 2020 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB2-16_July2-Wilcox & Lang, Attack Defend (C-Div)

: Sickle's salient is before you. General Barksdale's brigade has already begun it's assault of the vulnerable Federal flank to your right. The stage is set for the collapse of the Union forward line. And then, Cemetery Ridge awaits.

Mission: Lead your Alabama and Florida men to the Federal line at your front, then engage the Union line vigorously as Barksdale's Mississippians roll up Humphrey’s line. Upon initial displacement of the western Union line, continue moving east to Plum Run, where you will receive your final orders.

Forces Available:
Lt General Ambrose P. Hill - Corps Commander
Major General Richard H. Anderson - Division Commander

Brig General Cadmus M. Wilcox - 1st Brigade
8th Alabama - Lt. Colonel Hilary Herbert
9th Alabama - Colonel Joseph Horace King
10th Alabama - Colonel William Forney
11th Alabama - Colonel John Sanders
14th Alabama - Colonel Lucius Pinckard

Colonel David Lang - 2nd Brigade
2nd Florida - Major Walter Moore
5th Florida - Captain Richmond Gardner
8th Florida - Lt. Colonel William Baya

Major John Lane - Anderson's Division Artillery
Capt Hugh M Ross - Company A / Sumter GA Artillery
#3 Gun / Center Section / 10lb Parrott
#4 Gun / Center Section / 10lb Parrott
#2 Gun / Left Section / 12lb Napoleon
#5 Gun / Right Section / 10lb Parrott
#1 Gun / Left Section / 12lb Howitzer
#6 Gun / Right Section / 10lb Parrott
Capt George M Patterson - Company B / Sumter GA Artillery
#3 Gun / Center Section / 12lb Napoleon
#4 Gun / Center Section / 12lb Napoleon
#2 Gun / Left Section / 12lb Howitzer
#5 Gun / Right Section / 12lb Howitzer
#1 Gun / Left Section / 12lb Howitzer
#6 Gun / Right Section / 12lb Howitzer
Capt John T Wingfield - Company C / Sumter GA Artillery
#3 Gun / Center Section / 10lb Parrott
#4 Gun / Center Section / 10lb Parrott
#2 Gun / Left Section / 10lb Parrott
#5 Gun / Right Section / 10lb Parrott
#1 Gun / Left Section / 10lb Parrott

Division (2 brigades) strength: 2740 troops and officers, 17 guns

This scenario is a remake of the similarly named B&F scenario: GB-July2-Wilcox & Lang, 2nd Day (C-Brigs)
Like the 'Barksdale Longest Charge' scenario, the mission is changed to reflect a more historical outcome, thus the name change adding 'Attack Defend'. So, no suicidal charge up the ridge in pursuit of a MV is necessary now. Falling back to historical positions to defend against counter-attacking superior odds is now the endgame, much more manageable, but still a challenge.

First phase of the battle completed, score reaches 500 points, which triggers the first withdrawal sequence. At 20 minutes in we're in good shape for the tasks before us. This screenshot gives strong clues as to my initial approach strategy.
Wilcox1.jpg (361.66 KiB) Viewed 596 times

One second left, a look at the extended defensive line that proved highly successful. Historically this might resemble the final minutes of this part of the battle, as the Rebels held their line and the Federals were forced to finally retire back to Cemetery Ridge.
Wilcox2.jpg (417.43 KiB) Viewed 596 times

This final score was a fluke. It was way higher than any of my other test play scores. I played another game after this one just to check whether I had edited something late that somehow skewed the score, but my replay scored a 5300+, reinforcing the "fluke" message.
Wilcox3.jpg (374.66 KiB) Viewed 596 times
That "fluke" score got me thinking. Since by my testing the scoring can be all over the place with this scenario, how about a Grognard version. Won't take long to add the scripting, just a while to test it out. My goal will be to make it possible to win, but impossible to score big.
Last edited by RebBugler on Sun Jan 26, 2020 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB2-16grog1_July2-Wilcox & Lang, Attack Defend (C-Div)

Unzip and Copy to the Scenarios Folder: This is a failed Grog attempt because I scored too high with it. It will not be added to this series. However, before I overwrite it and begin anew I thought I'd make it available, because, I enjoyed the heck out of it. It's renamed slightly, grog1, so when its grog replacement is released it won't be overwritten. In the meantime, try this one out if you like, it will foreshadow what's coming, just not as difficult.

One second left and the 1st US Sharpshooters are nowhere to be seen. They should have been in on the counter attack 20 minutes ago, depleting the Rebel defenders at 400 yards. Being a Rebel, I hate those 'mini Krakens'. Their absence will be remedied with the next grog edition.
Grog1 ex1.jpg
Grog1 ex1.jpg (567.4 KiB) Viewed 593 times
Grog1 ex2.jpg
Grog1 ex2.jpg (374.15 KiB) Viewed 593 times
Last edited by RebBugler on Thu Jan 30, 2020 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB2-16grog_July2-Wilcox & Lang, Attack Defend (C-Div)

"...how about a Grognard version. Won't take long to add the scripting, just a while to test it out. My goal will be to make it possible to win, but impossible to score big."

Wound up amending my criteria for a Grognard level scenario, at least with this one, from "impossible to score big", to "very difficult to score big". Regardless of my placating rhetoric, followed by another high score posting, better to consider this scenario as a tough extended play version.

One second left, Rebel line is on the verge of collapse...Saved by the Bell, er, Timer
This play through was with Jolly's 'True Ground' Terrain mod activated
GB2 16grog Screen1.jpg
GB2 16grog Screen1.jpg (538.91 KiB) Viewed 592 times
GB2 16grog Screen2.jpg
GB2 16grog Screen2.jpg (374.04 KiB) Viewed 592 times
Last edited by RebBugler on Fri Aug 21, 2020 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

Little Round Top CSA ..

Just about got it! Five more mins and maybe not, but hey, a victory is a victory! ;)
The attachment LRT_CSA.jpg is no longer available
LRT_CSA.jpg (147.73 KiB) Viewed 622 times
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