'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

This is where our experts try to teach you the very flexible modding system for our previous release - SOW Gettysburg and its add-ons. It's powerful, but dangerous. Post your tips and your questions.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

Thank YOU Reb, for providing all this FREE entertainment, which has extended and improved an old game, which is still the best ACW experience you can get on a computer.
Yep, I do get a lot of cut to desktop's, especially in the latter half of the scenarios, where I'm guessing that with more units becoming available it can cause some sort of overload on the memory, depending where you are on the map.
Just for ref, my computer system consists of - Intel Core i7 processor, 16gb memory, MSI 4gb GTX 970 graphics card.

I'm playing the GB3-09 at the moment. So far so good - no crashes, even with such a massive army!
I'll keep you informed.

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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

This is an IM post on the Matrix site from a new NSD member that can't post messages yet on this forum due to NSD website issues. At least this user can benefit from any feedback NSD folks can provide here.
Because it’s not possible to post on the forum, I still need some help from you to understand the points still unclear to me:
- About SR1 mod and “True Ground Terrain Extra v_2” mod: should I activate it or not? if yes, what does it offer more ? Could I use it also in non-SR1 scenarios/maps?
As far as I know, this mod is completely compatible with the SR1 mod, I really don't know about other mods or maps. Maybe Jolly will chime in about this. You'll have to just test it out yourself, and see if you like its texture changes. Frankly, I only tested, but don't include this mod when I play or test SR1 scenarios because I include an earlier mod, also by Jolly, within the B&F mod, which I use always, that has similar texture treatments. Bottom line for me: Jolly's texture treatments for the various maps are second to none.
- Still about SR1 mod, I have a doubt: is it correct that I cannot play it with Couriers? Because when I order through the “C”-key interface nothing happens; the courier start running and reaches the recipient, but afterward the courier disappear and nothing more happens … I mean no orders flowing to the subordinates of the recipient
I avoid answering most courier questions because I've only tested them a little and don't play with them because they slow down game-play. I think the game is slow enough, and design my scenarios for the timeline that the game-speed (sans couriers) demands, or requires for the scoring to be practicable. Hopefully someone will chime in regarding this question and help you out.
Here is the mods I use for SR1 and the priority list, it should be the correct priority:

Mod: E:\ANDA-PROGS\Mods\GB Stock Scenarios Mod Enabled
Mod: E:\ANDA-PROGS\Mods\4K Packed Artillery,Cavalry,et al
Mod: E:\ANDA-PROGS\Mods\Bugles & Flags XIX
Mod: E:\ANDA-PROGS\Mods\TC2M SOW Infantry Mod
Mod: E:\ANDA-PROGS\Mods\True Ground Maps - Gettysburg - The Big Picture
Mod: E:\ANDA-PROGS\Mods\True Ground SR1
Mod: E:\ANDA-PROGS\Mods\True Ground SR1 II
Mod: E:\ANDA-PROGS\Mods\BloodBath VI
Mod: E:\ANDA-PROGS\Mods\TC2M SOW Infantry SR1
If you want to add the 'True Ground Terrain Extra v_2' mod I'm pretty sure the bottom-most priority position is preferable.
Two other short questions not related to SR1:
- If I play a sandbox and I like it very much (starting points, etc) is there a way to save it as a Scenario, so I can play it again in the future? I searched in the forum but did not find a solution to it
To continue a sandbox play is an easy and fast scenario mod to build:
1) Start game and load your sandbox selection (For SR1 play change 'Sprite Ratio' to =1). Key 3 at the point you wish to play-on from, then quit or close game.
2) Go to Work/Scenarios, then open the Sandbox folder. Check the modified date on the files and check that they have been indeed created recently, as per your Key 3 command.
3) Close the Sandbox folder and copy it if it passes muster.
4) At this point you can either choose to make it a stand-alone scenario, or include it into a mod you're using that includes a Scenarios folder. The latter is easiest because once you paste it into the Scenarios folder all you have to do is change the name 'Sandbox' into a name that you desire, as long as it's different from all other scenario names you have enabled. It will then be found in 'User Scenarios' once you start the game.
5) If you know what you're doing, you can eventually edit your custom scenario's files. For an easy start, edit who will be your officer (ME) in the scenario.ini file. You will find the alignment of rank numbers in the scenario.csv file.
I think I got this right; it's been years since I've built a scenario like this. Regardless, I'll fix this procedure if it's deemed kaput. Let me know folks.
- I like very much you B&F toolbar and I could not play without it; but is there a way to let just ME (your unit in the game) run with a keyboard key, so not using the toolbar tooltip ? I ask you that because if I press “R” all the subordinate units run too …
Simple fix...Go into the Work folder, open the Keyboard.csv file. Go down to line 38 and change Arun to run. Save and close. Now you've discovered your keyboard edit potential...Edit away.
A great thank you for your help
Edit: Here's the link to this message on the Matrix site:
https://www.matrixgames.com/forums/view ... 2#p4966932

It might be best to give feedback there so the author of these questions can reply and expand the conversation concerning his inquires.
Last edited by RebBugler on Tue Mar 01, 2022 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added Matrix link for this post
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

Two more scenarios completed - GB3-09 and GB3-10, and not a single crash on either, which was a great relief! ;)
They are very different as far as difficulty goes, but I think that is a good balance.
In GB3-09 I managed to wipe out the entire Reb line. It took some effort though over the 90 mins, it's huge affair!
The odds look against you in the GBR3-10 scenario - just as you've beaten back the first waves of cavalry attacks, they then send in the reserves. This was down to the wire to even get a V, never mind an MV !
Brilliant work Reb - this is how it should be!
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

Two more scenarios completed - GB3-09 and GB3-10, and not a single crash on either, which was a great relief! ;)
They are very different as far as difficulty goes, but I think that is a good balance.
In GB3-09 I managed to wipe out the entire Reb line. It took some effort though over the 90 mins, it's huge affair!
The odds look against you in the GBR3-10 scenario - just as you've beaten back the first waves of cavalry attacks, they then send in the reserves. This was down to the wire to even get a V, never mind an MV !
Brilliant work Reb - this is how it should be!

Alright, two more success stories and no crashes. GB3-09 is touted as "the one that got away" and your MV backs up that message. Had Meade moved with this offensive this scenario represents, the war might have ended that year. But Meade balked, and Lee's defeated army escaped during the night, and fought on for another two years.

On the other hand, GB3-10 is definitely a challenge, and will humble most Yankee armchair Generals. How the Union pulled off an historic victory with this one is still a mystery with most historians. Sure, the Rebel cavalry was still fatigued from their excursions the previous two weeks; but they had superior numbers made up of hardened veterans. I blame their loss on General Stuart's leadership, and attitude, as Stuart had faced Lee's wrath the night before for not reuniting his cavalry division with Lee's army sooner, and thus providing for the eyes and ears Lee absolutely needed to plan a strategy for defeating Meade's army at Gettysburg.  But finally, I blame Lee, he should have held back on his scolding of Stuart and just had given out marching orders.  Stuart's bruised ego obviously distracted from his leadership abilities the next day, leading to his dismal loss that day!

Really enjoyed your report, much appreciated Image
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

It's amazing that after over 170 years, these things can still be discussed and debated, especially with what's going on presently, If only this or that, or whatever.
I was a young lad, still at primary school when the latest 'craze' were American Civil War bubble gum packs. They had a stick of gum, but more importantly, the cards, which depicting various, and gory battle scenes, with also a brief history of it on the back. You also, for some reason got a Confederate Dollar bill included. We used to do 'swaps' with the cards in the playground at dinner time.
This always stuck with me for some reason, and started my real interest in History at a young age. I'd get the Airfix soldier 00 kits and paint them meticulously (well, it seemed so at the time) The ACW always stuck with me though, and obviously still does.

History - what happened, not what will happen. It's just so sad and bloody annoying!! Damn.

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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

It's amazing that after over 170 years, these things can still be discussed and debated, especially with what's going on presently, If only this or that, or whatever.
I was a young lad, still at primary school when the latest 'craze' were American Civil War bubble gum packs. They had a stick of gum, but more importantly, the cards, which depicting various, and gory battle scenes, with also a brief history of it on the back. You also, for some reason got a Confederate Dollar bill included. We used to do 'swaps' with the cards in the playground at dinner time.
This always stuck with me for some reason, and started my real interest in History at a young age. I'd get the Airfix soldier 00 kits and paint them meticulously (well, it seemed so at the time) The ACW always stuck with me though, and obviously still does.

History - what happened, not what will happen. It's just so sad and bloody annoying!! Damn.

Albeit being a smidge older, I also collected the 'Civil War News' cards and amassed three civil war sets (ordered from Sears Roebuck) so I could have my 'so called' big battles. Also got into painting them but burnt out after about a year. Probably for the best since I'm assuming those were enamel based paints containing lead, and holding them under my nose to get those details done right delivered that lead into my brain quite successfully. At least I have a good excuse for my screw-ups from time to time. Also Algebra gave me fits!

John (Chamberlain) also collected the 'Civil War News' cards. We discussed them several years ago on a long-lost thread. It was easy to get caught up in their attraction as they were released for the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the American Civil War, 1961, perfect timing for our 'Kid Years'.

I am surprised that those American Civil War anniversary promos made it across the pond. Now I can picture Jolly with his British buds sharing the same fantasy battles us American kiddos manifested and immersed ourselves in.

An now, we've come full circle...With shiny new digital battlefields and soldiers to play with Image
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

The Civil War cards must have come to these shores a few years later for whatever reason. More like the late 60's. Did you get the Confederate Dollar bill too? :)

I've still got an Airfix catalogue from 1972, which somehow has survived the decades!
Here's a scan of the ACW packs from it !
Ahh - seems like only yesterday! :)
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I also collected and painted the Waterloo packs, and of course all the model aircraft kits - I loved building them, and they were inexpensive at the time, so that you could afford the kits by saving up a bit of pocket money! I remember the paints were by Humbrol, I used to love the smell of them when you prized off the small lid (not that I was addicted) !
No body ever mentioned about any lead content. :)

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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

And finally (for now), I just about managed a MV on GB3-11, despite the heavy losses.
My tactics were to attack the Reb left flank first, whilst bringing up the support into the center and right, and also attacking any Reb guns if possible to try and clear them out. They did some damage though!

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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

The Civil War cards must have come to these shores a few years later for whatever reason. More like the late 60's. Did you get the Confederate Dollar bill too? :)
Yes, the Confederate money was included, so probably the same manufacturer and product. Surprised that they were so late to arrive on your shore, my guess is that it was surplus that found a new market, and a good market it was according to your enthusiastic report.
I've still got an Airfix catalogue from 1972, which somehow has survived the decades!
Here's a scan of the ACW packs from it !
Ahh - seems like only yesterday! :)
I also collected and painted the Waterloo packs, and of course all the model aircraft kits - I loved building them, and they were inexpensive at the time, so that you could afford the kits by saving up a bit of pocket money! I remember the paints were by Humbrol, I used to love the smell of them when you prized off the small lid (not that I was addicted) !
No body ever mentioned about any lead content. :)
Yeah, I got into the building of models also, all WWII. Tanks, artillery, and especially, warplanes! Smelled lots of glue...Image

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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Chamberlain »

Hello Reb & Jolly,
Yes, I have a complete set of Civil War News that was issued in 1962 by Topps 
In 1965, the A&BC trading card company in England released the set but no currency where the Topps set did release currency. I don't have any currency.
I started collecting these back in the day but then decided to complete the set on EBAY about 12 years ago. It took a while to complete but it is one of my prized card sets.
Each card is in a protected hard card sleeve. 

-Col. Joshua Chamberlain, 20th Maine

We cannot retreat. We cannot withdraw. We are going to have to be stubborn today
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