AI Aggression

Game won't run. Keeps crashing. Hopefully we won't get any posts here, but if we do, we'll try to help you out. You can also post any bugs that you find here. IMPORTANT: Don't post mod related problems here!
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the reb
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AI Aggression

Post by the reb »

In the Scenario.ini file....What does Strategic AI = 0 or 1 really do? How is the setting used?
the "reb"
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Re: AI Aggression

Post by RebBugler »

Early on I experimented with 'AI = 0 or 1' and concluded that it's relatively useless, at least as far as scenario design goes. Regarding the AI the only tools you need to turn it off are ''NoAI=1 and 'AlphaOmega=1' to have control of all troops, and, they're used to set up troops for initial positioning when designing a scenario. Once set up, then you key 'L (lower case)' and this initiates 'startlocs' that creates a startlocs file (Work folder) to be used to copy your new positions to your scenario.csv file.

You can use 'AI=1' in your scenario.ini file to create a quickie scenario sans the battlescript file. But I'm not even sure this is necessary since the AI always rules ... turning it totally off is the challenge that 'NoAI=1' addresses.
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the reb
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Re: AI Aggression

Post by the reb »

Thanks... you summed it up quite well...the AI always rules !!!
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