How to Charge and take out ARTY ???

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Re: How to Charge and take out ARTY ???

Post by Garnier »


If you're not using a mod, to charge artillery you should put your regiment in skirmish formation. It moves the fastest and will take the least casualties from artillery fire. Once you get right next to the guns, you can click line formation before charging.
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Re: How to Charge and take out ARTY ???

Post by Gudadantza »

Do what you need, drypower. The best method is as Garnier says, putting your regiment in skirmish and then on line mode for charging against the battery. You will possibly get less casualties and more speed in this way and more options to the cannons be captured.

Do what you need to beat a position. If something is intended as a bug or not historically accurate enough it will be changed in a future patch, meanwhile you must use all the tools the game gives to you.

Otherwise you will be punished by passive combat will. :)

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Re: How to Charge and take out ARTY ???

Post by Saddletank »

Do what you need, drypower. The best method is as Garnier says, putting your regiment in skirmish and then on line mode for charging against the battery. You will possibly get less casualties and more speed in this way and more options to the cannons be captured.

Do what you need to beat a position. If something is intended as a bug or not historically accurate enough it will be changed in a future patch, meanwhile you must use all the tools the game gives to you.
Guys, this is the Command and Staff School thread which should be about playing the game in context, not teaching new players to the game some gamey ahistorical move to sneak a blow below the opponents belt.

Where is the bug or the historical error in the act of infantry being unable to capture guns when they are so fatigued that they are being pushed beyond their limits by their officers?

There's no need to cheat the game, or make artillery very weak, or use gamey tactics to capture guns. You just have to do it sensibly.
Last edited by Saddletank on Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to Charge and take out ARTY ???

Post by KG_Soldier »

Where is the bug or the historical error in the act of infantry being unable to capture guns when they are so fatigued that they are being pushed beyond their limits by their officers?
Well. . . a tired regiment or even a severely fatigued regiment wouldn't just stand there and take canister blasts while within 10 yards of a battery. Nor would a battery crew stay and keep firing at an infantry regiment that close.
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Re: How to Charge and take out ARTY ???

Post by Gudadantza »

Do what you need, drypower. The best method is as Garnier says, putting your regiment in skirmish and then on line mode for charging against the battery. You will possibly get less casualties and more speed in this way and more options to the cannons be captured.

Do what you need to beat a position. If something is intended as a bug or not historically accurate enough it will be changed in a future patch, meanwhile you must use all the tools the game gives to you.
Guys, this is the Command and Staff School thread which should be about playing the game in context, not teaching new players to the game some gamey ahistorical move to sneak a blow below the opponents belt.

Where is the bug or the historical error in the act of infantry being unable to capture guns when they are so fatigued that they are being pushed beyond their limits by their officers?

There's no need to cheat the game, or make artillery very weak, or use gamey tactics to capture guns. You just have to do it sensibly.
First, I am not told anything about make the artillery weak or so.

If the possible tactics to capture a gun are innacurate or the developers consider it a bug it could be changed in the future, meanwhile an user will play the game in the way he like. As You play in the way you like. And speaking about gamey or innacurate tactic in a detail like the charge/melee has no sense at all, it is slightly abstracted, very scale dependant.

He has asked a question you have answered. Garnier has answered, and I have answered.

But better said, Answer you in this subforum. You have the true faith.

I am very tired.
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Re: How to Charge and take out ARTY ???

Post by BillF »

I have no problem with a unit being too tired to charge. The problem is when you have a regiment standing right next to the guns, and you can't capture them. In Gettysburg I had over 150 men standing between the guns and their caissons while the artilley kept firng away at my other men, and I couldn't capture the blasted things! THAT is what is not realistic.
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Re: How to Charge and take out ARTY ???

Post by Gudadantza »

I have no problem with a unit being too tired to charge. The problem is when you have a regiment standing right next to the guns, and you can't capture them. In Gettysburg I had over 150 men standing between the guns and their caissons while the artilley kept firng away at my other men, and I couldn't capture the blasted things! THAT is what is not realistic.
Consider this is a simulation with its own rules.

Sid meier gettysburg had the same odd scenes when you charged. But in a whole, it was the most accurate representation of a civil war battle. ´Cos its simply rules

regiments are standing when you are are against a battery.
Ok if this must be corrected, the future is bright.

But in the real thing that situation never passed. If in Sid meier gettysburg and on Scouge of War it occurs, it is because the gamey/digital/scale nature of the program.

And gamey is not a bad thing, Considering this is the most grognard playable game I have encountered in a lot of years.

I do not know what you want.
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Re: How to Charge and take out ARTY ???

Post by 2nd Texas Infantry »

My suggestions were a mere mention of future possibilties. Anyone who has played and manipulated the game consistently knows the nuances of the AI and game engine. The whole problem and solution lies in changing most of the artillery files, code, and graphics. Although you hear about units taking a battery very rarely was this done on command and at the point of a bayonet. Most were abandoned and captured and usualy because the guns could not be extracted because the loss of horses, mud, complete suprise, or out of ammunition. Eventually the game will and can have these features. Just keep posting suggestions and problems and I am sure they will be looked into.
To answer the thread question, I like to use the aforementioned tactic of skirmish line and reserves. Only take a battery if you can hold it and not loose the men that you gave up to man the guns. I would rather shoot em up than capture them and give up the men. Proper if it is a tight match.
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Re: How to Charge and take out ARTY ???

Post by william1993 »

I too prefer to shoot them up because captured guns are a bitch to move off, they don't limber, so unless I was capturing and holding a place, I would shoot them up.
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Re: How to Charge and take out ARTY ???

Post by Saddletank »

I have no problem with a unit being too tired to charge. The problem is when you have a regiment standing right next to the guns, and you can't capture them. In Gettysburg I had over 150 men standing between the guns and their caissons while the artilley kept firng away at my other men, and I couldn't capture the blasted things! THAT is what is not realistic.
No, its not unrealistic, its because you committed them to action too tired. You should keep an eye on your troops and either rest them before attempting such an attack or use fresh troops.

The game is telling you that you did it wrong.

I agree that graphically it looks silly but in reality what is happeneing is the unit has gone to ground before it reached the guns and is being slaughtered by point blank canister, thus you need to pull the unit out.
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