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Re: FireMod testing

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:55 pm
by Grog
As Reb says the MP groups will tweak what is required after working out what works. All my changes are for single player since that is what we have at the moment.

My current thinking is to alter the following formations:
1) Line - increased fire power
2) column of divisions (attack column) - decreased fire power / increased melee
3) square - vastly decrease fire power / increased melee
4) skirmish - leave the same due to there being no casualty modifier, maybe slight decrease in fire power
5) march column - leave the same to give the AI a chance.

If i ever get a 2 deep line in the game it would have increased fire power over the 3 deep and slightly less melee.

For cavalry i prefer the squadron rather than the regiment being the lowest unit. This messes up the OOBs and makes the cavalry parts very large but ive never liked the idea of 500 cavalry charging a single unit.
All sounds good to me Gunship.