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Re: I have to speak my mind concerning Multiplayer, and the use of language.

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 8:35 pm
by Wales
Am new to the community, have been in it now since beginning of 2014. We all have our bad days and some cannot drink and be merry. Rather they drink and use it as an excuse to show their ars. This still goes on to this day. Just callen it like I see it...Am a 45 yr old Army veteran male...raised by an ex Marine.
This community (sowmpdot com) is NOT for the faint of heart per say. You must be tough skinned to even have a chance of fitting into this group. That is just the way it is. I do admit it used to be worse when I first arrived into community. One of the veteran players told a fellow gamer & myself "Noobs are to be seen and not heard" when we spoke up in forums about "issues" during battles. We were "Noobs" but came from an entirely different community. Respect, Honour, and Chivalry is the foundation of the 45th Warbirds (virtual flight squadron).
I have personally have seen numerous players leave after only a few battles , never to return. I do see a few of them in sow lobby from time to time playing in non ranked battles. Am sure there are a few that purchased the game without trying the demo first. And as Jonah would say..It wasn't their cup of tea.
I hope it was not due to actions from this community, things have changed somewhat but in my opinion there is room for improvement.

That is All...

Re: I have to speak my mind concerning Multiplayer, and the use of language.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:06 am
by Saddletank
Remember Wales that sowmpdotcom is just one of the MP groups out there. There are others and the one I'm a member of, over the last 2 years I have never witnessed a single foul word in any game. You can always try more mature communities if the one you're referring too isn't to your liking.

Re: I have to speak my mind concerning Multiplayer, and the use of language.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 1:44 am
by Wales
Thanks for invite..personally have learned hitting mute player button seems to work quite well. And am somewhat "tough skinned" but do know my limits. Players wanting to give up their cd to being fed up with situations shouldn't even happen. Guess some are weaker then others...and would rather give up. It is an awesome mod to say the least, but maybe a code of conduct for its members should be considered.

Re: I have to speak my mind concerning Multiplayer, and the use of language.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:50 am
by MajorByrd
Funny stuff. Thank you both.

Re: I have to speak my mind concerning Multiplayer, and the use of language.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:35 pm
by Wales
And for the record am NOT complaining about about website mentioned. With the internet nowadays..people are like a box of chocolates. One never knows what you are going to get when
joining a new community. As KG_Soldier mentioned one of the most radical players in group doesn't play the game that often any more. I sure as heck don't want to scare any one off from joining the group.
This is an Awesome mod , with a competitive ranking system. Suggestion to new players is to play single player a bit so you are familiar with commanding your division.

Re: I have to speak my mind concerning Multiplayer, and the use of language.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 7:10 pm
by Fightin Joe
I still think the exclusive use of couriers is the answer to the problem. The thing is, most gamers are straight jacketed to separate "speak servers" in which they have to constantly talk to each other.

This takes some of the point away from 19th century simulations. If you want to talk live to each other the whole game, go play some first person shooter. If you are truly interested in historical battles, use a courier system.

And it doesn't mean you have to play HITS with it. Couriers can be used on any level. And, it adds more interest to gameplay.

Re: I have to speak my mind concerning Multiplayer, and the use of language.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 7:35 pm
by Garnier
It's a different game when you play with communication by courier only vs voice communication. Not necessarily better or worse -- but different.

I've enjoyed playing that way sometimes, but I also enjoy being able to communicate directly with my team during the entire battle. Whether that means I don't care about history is subjective. Yes, in many ways communicating by courier only is more realistic. But not in every way. I believe Civil war commanders actually did speak a lot of their orders for couriers to deliver, rather than typing them on a keyboard. We could also make the game more realistic by having battles take full days, but we enjoy one or two-hour battles because we don't have time for that much immersion.

If everyone can't stand the sound of each others' voices, then sure, use couriers. But if the problem is a few people being annoying, the solution is to ban them or just not play with them, rather than taking away voice communication from everyone.

(I mean all this in the most cordial way possible.) :)