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Just watched the Twitch Stream

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 5:13 pm
by con20or
From what I understand they will put a non-muted version up on youtube ASAP, hopefully today.

Just watched the Twitch Stream

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 9:13 pm
by Gunfreak
Finaly got to watch it, 3 comments.

1. The guy running the twich thing, refers to the french guns useing shrapnel, The french did not have shrapnel, While it was common on both sides during the ACW, in 1815 only the british had it(it was a new invention by Henry Shrapnel) And a war secret. French or prussians did not have it. I'm guessing he is referding to Canister/case/grape?

2. While only a few monents shows skrirmishes up close, they were all standing, are there no animations of kneeling skrimishes?

3. The twich did not answer weather it is comming out on Steam..

Just watched the Twitch Stream

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 10:42 pm
by mitra76
1. The guy running the twich thing, refers to the french guns useing shrapnel, The french did not have shrapnel, While it was common on both sides during the ACW, in 1815 only the british had it(it was a new invention by Henry Shrapnel) And a war secret. French or prussians did not have it. I'm guessing he is referding to Canister/case/grape?
No, no shrapnel for french and prussian (but at least two batteries with a couple of russian Unicorns for these last, ex russo-german legion batteries).
2. While only a few monents shows skrirmishes up close, they were all standing, are there no animations of kneeling skrimishes?
No, in order to permit to the game to run without problems with PC with low specs of memory and XP installed, choices had to be done about what and how many animations and sprites have. The engine manages a lot more of sprites respect gettysburg engine thanks to his improvements (graphical guys sure can explains it better, I don't understand nothing of graphics) but there's always a physical limit in order to hold the min.specs intacts.

In any case the skirmishers have a attack\defend bonus in fire combat respect line units.