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Re: Creating Sprites

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 6:15 pm
by Jace11
pah I can't seem to upload the doc or zip file here so I had to "up" it to a temp host.

This is an old guide for TC2M by tim, it covers the process of getting from a 3D model to a sprite sheet pretty well. It's pretty old now, but the principles are the same. Not sure about blender. As long as you can get an animated model working and capture the frames / angles and the corresponding transparencies it could work as well as any 3D modelling program I guess. ...

Re: Creating Sprites

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 10:46 pm
by gunship24
3ds max is free for students for personnel (i.e. non-profit) use. That's how I got mine.

Essentially to get going to have to get your own models. Most of us modders imported them from the total war games, a google search will tell you how as modders for the total war games use 3dsmax to tweak the models and then export them back to total war. We just render to sprite sheets instead.

The bottom line though is there is no easy and fast way to create new uniform sprites. Requires a bit of digging and dedication.

Yes those are Russian sprites. I made loads for the 1812 campaign a few years ago but never released them because I wasn't happy with them, and actually the campaign was too big to render all the uniforms I wanted to do it justice. They are imports from the actual NTW so the models are much higher polygon and detail. I had to reanimate everything which took me ages but glad I did it. If I get time I will work on them more.