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Re:49th Indiana, Co. F, starting the spring campaign...

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 9:37 pm
by norb
Love the pics! Just black and white and grain them a little to make them period pieces :)

Re:49th Indiana, Co. F, starting the spring campaign...

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:23 pm
by Amish John

Many the frosty morning I tried to decide if my toes would defrost before roll call. When I was a bit younger I spent many a cold night on the ground at such places as Saylor's Creek, Cedar Creek, and Bentonville. I reenacted for 25 years and never adapted to sleeping on the ground. It made for some very long nights.


Re:49th Indiana, Co. F, starting the spring campaign...

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 11:18 pm
could'nt do it without an air matress.

Re:49th Indiana, Co. F, starting the spring campaign...

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 7:32 am
by Phantom Captain
So here's a few more pics of our last event.

This one was at Conner Prairie just north of Indianapolis. It was pretty large actually which is always fun. Weather was a bit rough Friday and early Saturday as we had rain and thunderstorms then had to deal with the mud after. I don't mind though, makes it more realistic in my opinion. You just have to deal with it!

Here's yours truly waiting for the call to battle. Just like the real army, you form up, wait, wait, wait, then are told to rest as you wait and then get called up again about five minutes after you finally sit down. How do you like my 19th century shave job eh?? I'm digging it.


Our western boys again in battle!! This is another great picture of our western impression with the motley and ragtag look as compared to our eastern compatriots.


Yep, that's me.


Forward at the double quick! Charge!!


Re:49th Indiana, Co. F, starting the spring campaign...

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 12:04 am
by UglyandHasty
Great pics !!

Re:49th Indiana, Co. F, starting the spring campaign...

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 2:52 pm
by Chamberlain
Hey PC !!!

Another fantastic job with the pictures :) :)

Thanks for sharing them !!


Re:49th Indiana, Co. F, starting the spring campaign...

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 12:22 am
by Gfran64
That just looks like a hoot. Great Picts. PC. Some guys have all the fun.

Greg B)

Re:49th Indiana, Co. F, starting the spring campaign...

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 8:41 am
by estabu2
Nice PC, you gonna be in Jackson again this year? I am actually going to be moving their in June.

Re:49th Indiana, Co. F, starting the spring campaign...

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 9:01 am
by Phantom Captain
Very cool estabu2, nice!

Yep, we are going to be there for sure. Believe it or not the 49th is not attending as a unit this year as the Atlanta event is the week after and since we try not to stack events it was decided that the 49th should formally attend Atlanta instead of Jackson (a good call since Atlanta is a national event and should be HUGE!).

A bunch of us from the 49th are going to Jackson anyway but we are going to fall in with the 44th Tennessee and go as <gasp!> Rebs!

Re:49th Indiana, Co. F, starting the spring campaign...

Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 4:30 pm
by JC Edwards
Phantom Captain wrote:
.....A bunch of us from the 49th are going to Jackson anyway but we are going to fall in with the 44th Tennessee and go as <gasp!> Rebs!
:lol: :P :lol: :P :lol: