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Re:Layout as MMG forum?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 7:21 pm
by norb
We'll probably stick with this for a while. We just don't have the time to mess with it right now. Once we are done the game though, we'll revisit the look. It was just hard to find a template that worked for what I wanted it to do.

I use the main page to find the latest posts myself. The real reason I even went to this type of site is so that any members could write content for the main page. That way if guys wrote their AARs, they could submit them and get them posted on the front page. I thought that would be very cool.

Re:Layout as MMG forum?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 6:56 pm
by Chamberlain
First of all, Congrats Norb on your new endeavor !!!!!

I hope you have as much success here as you are still having over at MMG !!!

As for the format, I also love the MMG layout (as I have been spoiled for over 3 years :) ), this is not a bad layout, but the black background is tough, maybe a Blue and/or Gray ?


Good Luck Norb to you and your developers and can't wait for your first game !!!!
