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Re: Light infantry in Skirmish Order

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:07 am
by Jack ONeill

This just jumped back at me. Somebody, (RB maybe), did a toolbar mod with a "100 yard advance" button on it. So, it IS possible, I think, to add what you are asking for. I cannot do it because I have limited knowledge of that kind of modding, but someone can, I'm sure of it.

Jack B)

Re: Light infantry in Skirmish Order

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:14 pm
by Saddletank
Thanks to you both, I have Garnier's version of that toolbar. That was my next question - by a "short" movement order do you guys mean using the "advance 100 yds" button or just clicking a very short way in front of the unit on the terrain - or both?

I also assume you don't TC your unit when giving this order, so that it's commander stops when he knows he's in range and can see the enemy?

Re: Light infantry in Skirmish Order

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:20 pm
by KG_Soldier
Just a short movement order, Digby. They won't stop if they're TC'd.

It's a very effective tactic, especially in woods, as there seems to be some strange lines of sight in most woods.
If my boys are in a firefight in the woods, I watch to see which regiments aren't firing and give them short movement orders. When they find line of sight, they'll stop and start shooting.

Re: Light infantry in Skirmish Order

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:29 pm
by Saddletank
Cheers, KG.

Re: Light infantry in Skirmish Order

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:01 pm
by Jack ONeill

To follow on from KG's point, by short movement order I do one of two things - either just click the ground say 20-30 yards in front of the unit I wish to move OR I use a short waypoint move by setting a wwaypoint with the "control" key. The downside to that is units generally do not halt until they reach their destination. The problem with the first way is sometimes a unit will take the uber-long way around to get where you want them to go. I will TC them to avoid this. Mostly it works.

Jack B)