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Re: Gattensburg - A Napoleonic Gettysburg

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:23 am
by Jack ONeill
The attachment 1_McPherson.csv is no longer available
The attachment 2_DD_RT.csv is no longer available
The attachment 3_CulpsHill.csv is no longer available
The attachment 4_PPT.csv is no longer available
The attachment 5_ECF.csv is no longer available
The attachment Alpine.csv is no longer available
The attachment Gburg.csv is no longer available
The attachment KS.csv is no longer available

Okay, all I can say is.......F-ing Brilliant!!! Have played 3 so far. Great Job! Outstanding work! LOVE the dismounted Chassuers. Question - what scale did you use? Seems like 1 to 7 but I can't quite tell. Doesn't really matter.

For all of you who might be interested, I have completed fence/wall removal files to more closely approximate the conditions in Europe. I call it the G'Burg Fence Mod. Takes away the obstacles penalties from all the maps but Olustee and Valverde. Hell, I haven't even PLAYED those yet, LOL! Anyway, put these in some Mod folder, call it whatever you want and remember to set your "Map Objects" in "Options" to "Medium." Voila! - Open fields to charge home in. Oh yes, remember to make a "Maps" folder inside the folder for the Mod itself.

En Avant!

Jack B)

Re: Gattensburg - A Napoleonic Gettysburg

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:07 am
by Michael Slaunwhite
Your a Cool guy there Sir Jack. ;)

Here it is as a mod...

The attachment is no longer available
I called it that because well I had to keep in sync with the name of all the other mods.

This is a must folks for those who play with all of the edits made for "Road to Wagram 1809". The mod priority order is very important for these to work, otherwise some of these mods may not work, or cause a CTD...Who knows.

[Mod Priority Order]
Road to Wagram Skirmish Formations (optional)
Road to Wagram Gattensberg Scenarios (optional)
Road to Wagram 1809 Map Mod
Road to Wagram 1809 Mod


Re: Gattensburg - A Napoleonic Gettysburg

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:54 pm
by gunship24
LOVE the dismounted Chassuers. Question - what scale did you use? Seems like 1 to 7 but I can't quite tell. Doesn't really matter.

For all of you who might be interested, I have completed fence/wall removal files to more closely approximate the conditions in Europe.
The scale is whatever the scenario intended which i think is found in the scenario ini file. Cant recall but guessing the normal 4:1 ratio.

The mounted cavalry in the first scenario looks different to the stock ones because i reduced the mounted cavalry by 2/3 otherwise 500 Hussars was way too over powerful. That brigade is therefore reduced to squardons of scouting cavalry and suits the scenario well. The other brigade is all dismounted chasseurs with a new weapon Hussar Pattern Musketoon.

I played them all last night except for the Jackson one and was able to do fairly well. I also ran the stock acw version to make sure if wasnt overly easy or difficult and they were comparable.

Day 2 OOB is complete. So can start on the scenario conversion. Although im working on Wurttemberg sprites which i didnt get out last time and troops from Westphalia. The only Austrian troops i need are a unit to represent Landwehr (militia), i currently use Archduke Charles Legion but would like a different look. So expect a German Allies sprite pack soon :).

The 'no-fences' maps should be interesting, it might skew the difficulty a bit i.e. harder for the French easier for the Austrians, in that case try changing the game difficualty to suit your needs :).

Re: Gattensburg - A Napoleonic Gettysburg

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:32 pm
by Jack ONeill

It dawned on me a bit later that the scale was probably stock. You had reduced the unit sizes to corresponde to the same size units, (more or less), in the stock ACW scenarios. Still brilliant.

Jack B)

Re: Gattensburg - A Napoleonic Gettysburg

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:15 am
by gunship24
Yes, the reason why i kept the unit sizes the same was because i know those scenario's are balanced already. Increasing the units especially some of the Austrian's from say 200 to 1000 might upset things and didnt have enough time to test that all out. That a side its still good :)

Re: Gattensburg - A Napoleonic Gettysburg

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:34 am
by Leatherneck24
A lot of fun! I played the battle as the Austrian General Hardy and was able to push back the french all the way almost to the town before the Bavarian Division under Wrede showed up and stopped my progress. Is there any way we could get cavalry into the big battles?


Re: Gattensburg - A Napoleonic Gettysburg

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 5:39 am
by Leatherneck24
Awesome! I am not sure if i found a bug but playing as Moliter it seems Munizi in Wrede Division is missing his light battalion Roche. It shows them in the OOB but it does not come up on the field and after looking in the OOB it has them as hidden. However playing as Hardy I was attacked by 6 Light Battalion Roche when I was attacking. Just thought I would let you know. Other than that I really enjoy it and I think the way you wrote the orders are perfect.

Re: Gattensburg - A Napoleonic Gettysburg

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:08 pm
by gunship24
Hi, not a bug, it just happens that the regiment i replaced with the 6th Light battalion Roche doesnt show in that scenario, i noticed that also.

Currently doing the Day 2 OOB and almost completed the French side, i had to go back and reedit everything from what i had learnt from the Day1 conversion. There is more cavalry there and the cuirassiers are in the cavalry Corps. Hadnt thought about replacing infantry with cavalry, although there is more cavalry for both sides in the Day2 and Day3 OOBs.

The Day2 OOB is a real mixture of units and takes units who were in the army but not present at Wagram such is the amount of units required. Still authentic OOB structure.

Re: Gattensburg - A Napoleonic Gettysburg

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:11 pm
by gunship24
First post updated with link to day1 and 2 :).

Re: Gattensburg - A Napoleonic Gettysburg

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:39 pm
by Saddletank
I tried one of these scenarios today and the game crashed. It was the Union Iron Brigade scenario conversion. I had a number of Napoleonic mods active but no others. It was possibly a conflict I guess.