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Re:Multiplayer Observations

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 7:37 am
by Little Powell
Rob Son of Paul wrote:
OOB navigation in multi seems to mess up. I can always go down the chain to a regiment. But clicking commanded by doesn't always allow me to go up the chain of command. Single player the OOB goes up and down just fine. This was tested in a multi game by myself.
I've never seen that issue. I will try to reproduce it. Who did you choose as your commander?

Re:Multiplayer Observations

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:50 am
by Rob Son of Paul
Little Powell wrote:
Rob Son of Paul wrote:
OOB navigation in multi seems to mess up. I can always go down the chain to a regiment. But clicking commanded by doesn't always allow me to go up the chain of command. Single player the OOB goes up and down just fine. This was tested in a multi game by myself.
I've never seen that issue. I will try to reproduce it. Who did you choose as your commander?
I've tried many commanders. Only have issues using mulit mode. I can save a multi game and then load in in single and the issue is gone.

Re:Multiplayer Observations

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:18 am
by Rob Son of Paul
Take command keys 1 and 2 don't seem to work in multi mode.

Re:Multiplayer Observations

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:34 am
by Little Powell
Rob Son of Paul wrote:
Take command keys 1 and 2 don't seem to work in multi mode.
Correct. It causes a bug with MP where players from the other side will get TC'd too. This is something that will be fixed in a patch. :)

Re:Multiplayer Observations

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:48 pm
by Rob Son of Paul
Little Powell wrote:
Rob Son of Paul wrote:
Take command keys 1 and 2 don't seem to work in multi mode.
Correct. It causes a bug with MP where players from the other side will get TC'd too. This is something that will be fixed in a patch. :)
FYI, when I use 1 and 2 in single player it doesn't work as it did in TC2. Select a regiment and hit 1 and all regiments in the brigade are now under my control not just the selected regiment. TC2 it would only be that regiment and if you wanted the whole brigade you would have to have the brigade commander selected then hit 1.

This intended?

Re:Multiplayer Observations

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:06 pm
by Little Powell
Rob Son of Paul wrote:
Little Powell wrote:
Rob Son of Paul wrote:
Take command keys 1 and 2 don't seem to work in multi mode.
Correct. It causes a bug with MP where players from the other side will get TC'd too. This is something that will be fixed in a patch. :)
FYI, when I use 1 and 2 in single player it doesn't work as it did in TC2. Select a regiment and hit 1 and all regiments in the brigade are now under my control not just the selected regiment. TC2 it would only be that regiment and if you wanted the whole brigade you would have to have the brigade commander selected then hit 1.

This intended?
Yes. If you press the 1 key, every unit or commander that you control will be TC'd. I believe there was some discussion to have this modified (only TC your regiments etc) but there wasn't time to implement it. I'm sure this will be considered for a patch.

Re:Multiplayer Observations

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:28 pm
by ETF
Just wondering did anyone find it a little fast. Was had a 3 person LAN game and at times it seemed like a Total War click fest :)
Anyway we could select a setting a little slower of have any variable speed settings? In Sp I find the level one speed a tad fast when the going gets rough. A ".5" speed setting would be just fine IMHO. All the players thought the same in our session. If no variable speed setting how about a pause option for all players or at least the host?

AWESOME job though!!!

ps Sound issues also noted.

Re:Multiplayer Observations

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:35 pm
by Lancier
Yesterday 4 of us tried a MP game but we couldnt play in the lobby by creating room. Same result with IP connection. :( Anyone exp. same problem ?

Re:Multiplayer Observations

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:53 pm
by Little Powell
Lancier wrote:
Yesterday 4 of us tried a MP game but we couldnt play in the lobby by creating room. Same result with IP connection. :( Anyone exp. same problem ?
Did the host get an error that they couldn't map the port? Did someone else try hosting the game?

Re:Multiplayer Observations

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:36 pm
by Lumi
I had one random regiment suddenly after only a few seconds of a fire fight completely run out of ammunition, I didn't notess until I realised they kept running back to the supply train, I kept going OMG go back to the front!! *clicks* OMG Not again GO BACK TO THE FRONT *clicks again, then again later, then again even later, then realised their ammunition was zero and deserved a W** moment*