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Re:Artillary retreating

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:09 pm
by Hancock the Superb
And we have me sitting here on a four year old laptop with no screen that runs TC2M just fine while you guys go big.:(

Re:Artillary retreating

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:41 pm
by ironsight
Hancock Wrote: And we have me sitting here on a four year old laptop with no screen that runs TC2M just fine while you guys go big
I'll bet not with all hi-res enabled, max drawing distance and NO video pauses! ;)

Re:Artillary retreating

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 8:22 am
by estabu2
ironsight wrote:
Hancock Wrote: And we have me sitting here on a four year old laptop with no screen that runs TC2M just fine while you guys go big
I'll bet not with all hi-res enabled, max drawing distance and NO video pauses! ;)
New technology is a wonderful thing!!!:) :)

How hot does your GTX280 run ironsight? And what other PC games do you run with that monster? I can run Crysis: Warhead on the highest, 2x AA, with my 4870 at about 38 FPS. I am curious what that thing would do.

Re:Artillary retreating

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:11 pm
by ironsight
i'm not really a die-hard gamer although i have played around with Ghost Rcon with everything and i mean everything enabled to the max as more or less a performance test of the PC. The game runs smooth as a TV movie.
Now i understand Crysis is pretty hard on PCs, don't have that game but the guys who assembled my PC who are incidentally all hardcore gamers played it as more or less a benchmark test against their rigs and said it ran perfect. Last i heard, the manager there was assembling the same platform for his boss who is also a gamer.

The GTX280 is a fantastic graphics card and i haven't even played around with its endless settings yet. Its just the vanilla 280 with standard clock, etc. The DX48 MOBO does have overclocking and voltage setting capabilities but i'm staying clear of that.

The only initial problem i had were random boot-up problems after an AC power cycle but after a call to Intel's tech support, the problem turned out to be the BIOS which was 3 revisions old. After updating the BIOS which was a breeze as Intel has a Widows utility to do it, this thing runs flawless and is extremely stable. Not one BSOD!
Intel uProcessor + Intel MOBO = stability!
There's probably many more better MOBOs and AMD processors out there, but my number one priority was stability even if it meant trading off a little performance.

The only other issue i had, is that this MOBO has no onboard serial or parallel ports. Since i needed a serial port for my dial up modem they installed a crappy aftermarket serial card which didn't work initially due its bad driver which was confusing the hell out of Windows. Windows Update spotted this crappy card in my system and offered a driver fix for it which cured the problem.

One more thing, Intel's consumer tech support is absolutely the best i've used. No long waits to talk to someone, they speak clear English, extremely product knowledgeable, are genuinely concerned, polite and resolved all my problems including questions regarding the (at first) complicated 8 channel audio and its GUI setup utility.
All in all, i'm extremely happy with this setup and would do it again in a heartbeat.