Favorite Brigade to Use?

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Re:Favorite Brigade to Use?

Post by RebBugler »

The 3rd Arkansas, supported by the Texas Brigade. heh heh

For Yankee amusement, fantasy only :woohoo: ...Those dreadawful Berdan Sharpshooters, Ward's 2nd Brigade
Last edited by RebBugler on Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:Favorite Brigade to Use?

Post by Kerflumoxed »

JReynolds wrote:
For MP what Brigade will you all be using? If you are a major general, what will your favorite division to use be?
I have purposefully avoided this topic...until now.

I want the brigade, division and/or corp that will be the victor! Quite frankly, I expect that UglyElmo and I will be vying for the bottom rung of the ladder.

J :huh:
Jack Hanger
Fremont, NE
"Boys, if we have to stand in a straight line as stationary targets for the Yankees to shoot at, this old Texas Brigade is going to run like hell!" J. B. Poley, 4th Texas Infantry, Hood's Texas Brigade
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Re:Favorite Brigade to Use?

Post by UglyElmo »

Pretty much whatever I take will more than likely be on the losing side. It's a talent. :laugh:
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Re:Favorite Brigade to Use?

Post by Jim »

The 2nd Vermont Brigade, if only to be sure that my Gx5 grandfather who was a private in the 14th VT won't haunt me. It is a challenge fighting those giant regiments though, Stannard had his work cut out for him.

"My God, if we've not got a cool brain and a big one too, to manage this affair, the nation is ruined forever." Unknown private, 14th Vermont, 2 July 1863
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Re:Favorite Brigade to Use?

Post by MrSpkr »

Shaggy46 wrote:
For me I would have to say the 2nd Brigade 2nd Division 1st Corps (Which was under the Command of MAJOR GEN. JOHN F. REYNOLDS
Not for long, it wasn't. ;)

"I'm ashamed of you, dodging that way. They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance."

Major General John Sedgwick's final words, Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse, May 9, 1864
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Re:Favorite Brigade to Use?

Post by kentuck1163 »

Yes, I am a Kentuckian who, if I lived in the day, would have been very Pro-North. Actually, during the Civil War - 100,000 Kentuckians fought in the Civil War and, of those, 70,000 fought for the North. So, Kentucky was pretty Pro-North during the war. I'm not sure who made this statement, but someone after the war said "The North won the war - but lost Kentucky" -- to refer to how Kentucky became much more southern in sentiment AFTER the war....
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Re:Favorite Brigade to Use?

Post by DrMike1997 »

good point about Kentcuky changing to the losing side after the war! I live in Southeastern Kentucky and right now the sentiment of the locals is soldily pro sourthern but during the actual war it was solidly pro northern. Now adays you can't find a local who will admit that his great-great grandfather faught for the North but most of them who fought probably wore the blue :P
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Re:Favorite Brigade to Use?

Post by CoB4thTEXAS »

RebBugler wrote:
The 3rd Arkansas, supported by the Texas Brigade. heh heh

For Yankee amusement, fantasy only :woohoo: ...Those dreadawful Berdan Sharpshooters, Ward's 2nd Brigade

Ha!, I've always known them as the 3rd. Texas Reg.,:dry: Anyways a finer group of men were far and few between.

My favorite would be the Texas Brigade!

On the yankee side it would be the Iron Brigade, as i have about 7 relatives that fought with 7th Wis.
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Re:Favorite Brigade to Use?

Post by MikeCK »

Depends what you mean by pro-southern I suppose. Sherman was pro-southern in terms of its social structure and customs which he very much admired. He was opposed however to seccession. Many Kentuckians sympathised with southern values and traditions but were simply opposed to the idea of leaving the union.
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