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Re: NorbSoftDev Announces Waterloo!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 3:30 am
by voltigeur
Summery: the next (overdue) release is not a Civil War Battle Release.

Personally over the moon about that :-)

Re: NorbSoftDev Announces Waterloo!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 2:35 pm
by Braxton Bragg
Great news..........I think............

Guys have you ever seen the ground that you must fight on?, If your the French player you have no chance of taking the British position.

You have Blucher about to hit your right rear flank, The weather on the day was very bad, rain all night, very muddy ground, which made the attack difficult, very slippery ground, The solid shot from the artillery buried itself in the mud.

If you think the ground at Gettysburg was bad.......well you will find out for yourself.
Consider the ground at Fredericksburg, this is what the French will have to contend with

My thoughts are you could have chosen a Battle more even, where you have a chance of winning, Borodino would have been a better choice.
Having said all this I will buy the game, your choice of field will have to be seen and played upon :(

Re: NorbSoftDev Announces Waterloo!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 7:05 pm
by Saddletank
Interesting post. Almost all wargame refights of Waterloo I've been involved with or heard about, the French win!

On paper the French have a very good chance, but their defeat on the day was probably due to a long string of tactical errors. With hindsight a French player should not make the same mistakes.

Even so, in a campaign context, it is a tough job for the French because even if he drives Wellington back, Napoleon still has three effective corps of Prussians to deal with - again!

Re: NorbSoftDev Announces Waterloo!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:06 am
by Braxton Bragg
Hello Saddletank, good to see you again :)
There was one error that springs to mind.....Ney!!! big mistake :woohoo:

Re: NorbSoftDev Announces Waterloo!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:21 am
by the reb
I wonder if I will have to purchase Waterloo to get the Scenario Editor? I have stated before that I would pay good money for the Editor, and if so, I guess the game is thrown in for free....

I have a love for the Civil War, could care less about the French, Waterloo, or whoever...and I know it's just not about me....

the reb

Re: NorbSoftDev Announces Waterloo!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 3:46 pm
by Little Powell
I have a love for the Civil War, could care less about the French, Waterloo, or whoever...and I know it's just not about me....
If all goes as planned, a scenario editor will be included.

I didn't care much for Napoleonics at first either. But when we've been covering the Civil War for over 10 years, (if you count Take Command), it doesn't hurt to switch gears for a while. If you start researching the Napoleonic era--the battles, commanders, tactics, etc., it's actually a pretty fascinating time in history.

I'll always be a Civil War guy at heart too.. But again, it's always good to have a change of scenery from time to time. :)

Re: NorbSoftDev Announces Waterloo!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:33 am
by the reb
Well stated, Little Powell....I understand.
We are thankful for what you guys have done.......

the reb