Stuff I'm Working on

Jack ONeill
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Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Post by Jack ONeill »


Good deal all around.
Note - there were no Polish Lancers in the Peninsula. When Napoleon Invaded Spain, they were still the Polish Light Horse of the Guard. They are the Light Horse who charged the guns at Somasierra, taking some 70% casualties as they overran the Batteries blocking the pass. They converted to Lancers at roughly the same time the 6 regimants of Dragoons did in, I think, 1810? (Digby, help me out here). There is a story I remember reading somewhere that when the Polish Light Horse drove the Austrain Uhlans from the field at Wagram, they picked up the Austrian Lances to better chase them off with. Cool story, but have no idea if it's accurate.

Another Note - Let's remember Kids, too many different uniforms will start to bog down the computers. Use the KISS priciple (no, not the "I...wanna rock all niiight, and party every day" version), Keep It Simple, Stupid. However, it would be seriously cool to have all the "Legion" type units in there.

Another note - By all means yes, include the Spanish troops on both sides. We could use the comic relief as they run away constantly. If I offended anyone, tough... that is the prevaling opinion of almost all commanders of the day, Wellington AND Napoleon included.

Jack B)
American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

"Molon Labe"
Jack ONeill
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Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Post by Jack ONeill »


Will probably be both. Right now, (Wagram), the French-Bavarians have either eight or nine, the Austrains have 7 or eight. The Peninsula could have more.

Yes, certain OOBs will call for more or less troop types.

Jack B)

Note to Digby - British Facings will most likely turn out as one color, like the Austrian Foot. Also, didn't the KGL light Infantry and/or Rifles look like the British Rifles? AND...didn't the British Rifles take their uniforms from the KGL lads?
Last edited by Jack ONeill on Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

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Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Post by Saddletank »

Note to Digby - Also, didn't the KGL light Infantry and/or Rifles look like the British Rifles? AND...didn't the British Rifles take their uniforms from the KGL lads?
I am not sure what the origin of the rifle uniform is, though clearly its based both on standard elements of the British infantry uniform but also takes themes from the light cavalry such as the curved sabre worn by officers, the original officers mirliton hat and the fantastically sexy hussar styled officers jacket.

As far as I know from off the top of my head without going to my library:

1) 95th rifles, all green uniform, black facings.


Notice how dark the green is, essentially the uniform appears black from more than a few yards away.

2) 5/60th Foot, green jackets, grey pantaloons, red facings.


3) KGL light battalions, green jackets, light grey pantaloons, black facings.

Last edited by Saddletank on Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Post by gunship24 »

That was my understanding, the 95th were all green and the KGL had grey pantaloons. I wasnt sure on 5/60th though. Im not doing facings, but i am doing flags!
Last edited by gunship24 on Tue May 01, 2012 1:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Post by gunship24 »

gunship or Jack – Hey, how many different uniforms are you guys running at the same time?

After reading some of the comments, it seems that you guys don’t have a limit going on here, or are you just adding certain uniforms to certain OOB’s.

Davinci, i was wondering, do you have any info on the game limitaions with uniforms? Im sure theres a memory issue or something, or perhaps simply more units = low fps? just wondering cheers.
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Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Post by Saddletank »

Gunship - I would have thought since each texture for a different uniform must be loaded into memory at game start, the more uniform variants you have in an OOB the more strain gradually loads onto the computer.

I see no problem in having all 3 rifle-armed uniform variants I mention above in the game, as it would be rare to see all 3 in action in a battle - its whats loaded from the OOB that matters.
That was my understanding, the 95th were all green and the KGL had grey pantaloons. I wasnt sure on 5/60th though. Im not doing facings, but i am doing flags!
Is it not practical in the game to have the KGL and 5/60th on one texture sheet? 1/2 the figures with red facings, the other 1/2 with black or does the game not work that way? Must it be a separate texture for every uniform?
Last edited by Saddletank on Tue May 01, 2012 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Post by Davinci »

Davinci, I was wondering, do you have any info on the game limitations with uniforms? I’m sure there’s a memory issue or something, or perhaps simply more units = low fps? Just wondering cheers.
gunship – how is everything going!

Well, before the introduction of the new png-files I was running roughly eleven or twelve combined uniforms I think…..that is a sort of guess!

But, after the png-files – which as you know brought down the memory requirements in the game, well…..I have no idea about the amount of different uniforms that can be displayed.

You are now breaking the ground-work pertaining to this question, so I’ll await your answer and testing on this!

I’ll also add that Norb’s game engine and programming sort of confuses me at times. What I think will bog-down the game, doesn’t, and what I think shouldn’t bog-down the system does .

This is not a bad thing, actually it’s good, but I can’t tell you why running a two-mile-map, doesn’t seem to use less memory than a ten-mile-map….. confusing !

The only true logic is that, there is no true logic!
Jack ONeill
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Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Post by Jack ONeill »


Yes, I remember from watchubg the "Sharpes" series the 95th.wore all green and the 60yh. wore green with grey trousers.

Also, while babbling about the Polish Light Horse, I completely forgot the Vistula Legion, (which Gunship had mentioned). I believe they did have lances, as opposed to the Light Horse, which was a Guard unit, (or at least on its way to being one.)

Jack B)
American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

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Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Post by gunship24 »

Thanks Saddletank, Davinci. I have no idea on how the amount of units affect the game only that the more graphics required the more the game must work to display them. But once loaded into memory i dont know if there would be much difference between displaying 10,000 sprites of the same uniform or 10,000 sprites over 20 uniforms. I ran the day3 Gattensberg OOB in sandbox and that has about 35 different uniforms, far less flags thoughs than ACW.

Saddletank, have those three uniforms would be doable.

Hi Jack , yes Vistula Uhlans at Albuera was what i was thinking.
Last edited by gunship24 on Tue May 01, 2012 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Post by Saddletank »

Albuera, that was one tough fight. Probably the closest the British army came to losing a battle in the Peninsula after Corunna.
HITS & Couriers - a different and realistic way to play SoW MP.
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