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Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 11:24 pm
by Saddletank
Portuguese cavalry seemed to be of basically one type and would equate to something like the British Light Dragoons. I have read somewhere that their horses were not very good, though better than the Spanish. The Spanish were supposedly the worst-mounted cavalry in Europe with regiments often reduced to a mounted compliment of around a squadron and the rest fighting on foot. ... avalry.jpg ... 00x600.jpg

Infantry basics including the famous brown uniform of the Cacadores, a very practical colour: ... p?t=121261

I haven't got my books to hand but I believe either some Cacadore battalions were issued with the Baker rifle, or a sharpshooter company in every battalion (4 coys to a Btn) was so equipped, these men being hand-picked as the fittest, nimblest, the best shots and the most independently-minded.

EDIT: I think in the Portuguese army they were termed "Tiradores".

Flags: ... flags.html

Artillery used British equipment and IIRC an all-blue uniform with red facings. There was no horse artillery as far as I'm aware.

Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:55 am
by Ingles of the 57th
Glad to hear Albuhera mentioned. Yes the British nearly did lose that one …. And a quite inappropriate and unnecessary battle at that.

The day was undoubtedly saved by the 57th Regiment of Foot in their stand against the French columns, an action described as “the” classic infantry encounter. Probably not equalled until the Angle and later Rourke’s Drift.

Please consider Beresford for the OOB’s. The 57th did feature in “Horse and Musket” in the old TC2M days (even though the uniform was not quite right) and I really did enjoy fighting my old, (but now regrettably long-gone) Regiment.

Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:50 am
by gunship24
Tanks Saddletank, your info is always top notch.

Yea all regiments can be represented although the facings are all blue unfortunately, have white trousers. I could do another one with grey trousers just to mix it up abit. The Spanish infantry are done. I am next doing Portuguese infantry and cavalry and then flags, there are many do to, but i have pics for them all so just need to render them out.

Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:44 pm
by Saddletank
If you want to mix things up a bit you can depict both British and Portuguese infantry in brown trousers. I'm never sure if these were a local expedient of some kind of offical winter weather issue. The brown I have most often seen in paintings is a reddish-orangey colour rather than a darker earthy tone.

The British shakos also came with the nifty black oilcloth cover which saves you having to make different crests and plumes for everyone!

Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:50 am
by gunship24
I have also seen pictures of penninsula with the dark red/brown and rather baggy looking trousers, they only appear in the penninsula drawings though and have never seen reference to any official regulations so they might of been adopted due to the terrain by some soldiers.

I have done Portugese infantry and Cacadores. I have also done around 30 flags, some of the british regiments had royal warrents to display special symbols on them, mostly 1st to 10th regiments, foot guards are also present. Ive done all regiments regardless even if they didnt fight in europe as i wasnt sure and wanted to not have to add flags later. Going to to Portugese and Spanish flags today, and i need to do cavalry flags.

I have two OOBs so far for Sandbox, Rolica and Vimiero. They are balanced OOBs, in particular Rolica and only have the regiments that fought otherwise Rolica would be very one sided in Sandbox. I am enjoying making this very much.

Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:17 pm
by redcoat
oi gun. go take a look on the other site.
i got a good selection of meaty vollyfire sounds.
and a good british army load aim fire sequence. cheers

Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:05 am
by Jack ONeill
The oilcloth cover on the Shako came in very handy when I was painting Brits in 15mm. Anything to get them done faster and on the field.

Also, another thought on the brown trousers on British/KGL troops - Supply. Even though the British were "reasonably" well supplied, there were always times when troops would have to make due when the trains could not keep up, OR when some well-meaning pencilhead might send the wrong items forward. (Those of you who have time in Service will recognize that, eh?).

Looking forward to these lads, Gun.

Jack B)

Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:37 am
by Michigander
From what I've seen the oil cloth cover was only really used in the 1815 campaign at Waterloo. The Stovepipe shako was the primary British headgear in Spain. They switched to the Belgic Shako towards the end of the Peninsular War, and wore them at Waterloo.

Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:07 pm
by Saddletank
Yes, fair point, not too much rain in the Iberian Peninsula. I can't recall if there was a cover for the stove pipe but I am sure there was. The early/revolutionary-period (Low Countries campaigns) had a cover for the officers bicorne so perhaps they were only issued in certain theatres where it was thought there was more chance of wet weather. Shakos could crumple up into very odd shapes after prolonged exposure to rain.

Re: Stuff I'm Working on

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 3:02 am
by gunship24
Ive realised to get the brits fighting in 2 ranks im going to need a whole new drills file due to the hierarchy of formations, its on the to do list. Flags are done for britain, portugal and spain and now tweaking the toolbar to show british icons. almost there :). The reason its taking so long is purely down to time to to do it, but it is always progressing. B)