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HistWar Les Grognards

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:45 am
by BFawlty
This was probably posted elsewhere, so you all are probably aware that a demo was released for this upcoming game. Some nice stuff there, but TCM2 still outshines it IMHO.


Re: HistWar Les Grognards

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:23 am
by norb
We've discussed it a little. The consensus is that the demo really needed to be cleaned up. But I feel that if the release is cleaned up, all will be forgiven and the sales should be very good.

Re: HistWar Les Grognards

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 7:42 am
by Johnny Reb
Whoof. I thought it would be the be all end all of Napoleonics, looking past the lego-man like models (Probably would've looked better with 2d sprites). But I played through the tutorial twice and still had no idea how the hell this game worked. Probably after heavy patching and a coherent UI it deserves a second look.

Re: HistWar Les Grognards

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:25 am
by norb
I've read some people that love it. That the demo is awesome. They realize that there are some bugs and that it's an indie title (so the art is not AAA), but they really like the game. Or like the potential.

I just want them to succeed. There needs to be a win for all those hard years of work. The indie developer needs to see some type of success. It's just too much a part of your life to watch it fall flat. So keep your mind open. Wait for the new releases and make sure to keep trying it. He will get it to where it's the best game of it's type.

Re: HistWar Les Grognards

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:45 am
by Garnier44
I hope so. The demo was so utterly confusing I couldn't tell if the game was good or not.

Re: HistWar Les Grognards

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:23 pm
by Garnier44
I hope so. The demo was so utterly confusing I couldn't tell if the game was good or not.

Re:HistWar Les Grognards

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:08 pm
by Gunfreak
There is a now a second demo, and that demo has allready been patched twice.

The new demo is beeing tested by those that have preorderd the game.

And the new demo is like night and day, not only do you get 2 mew maps and two new OOBs(uncluding the historic OOB for austerliz aswell as the map)

But the ai now works, they still say it's not complete but the ai is now dosens of times more active, you have cavalry chaseing down regimetns and punching though.
I had one unit of dragoons that not only got though the lines of the enemies but stayed there and harrased the enemy from behind.
And while in the first demo attacks were done by single regiments all alone, you now have massed attacks with thousands and thousands of troops.

There is still lots and lots of bugs but it's a totaly new game to play.

Re:HistWar Les Grognards

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 7:25 pm
by norb
That's great news. I had confidence that the game was much more than what the first demo showed.

Re:HistWar Les Grognards

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:32 am
by pcelt
Certainly now much improved--but still a real need to improve the realism and authentic portrayal of the 3D actual face to face combat--firefights,charges,melees etc.
In my view the Take Command Series still currently portrays these confrontations much more convincingly and realistically.
Hopefully we should soon have 2 great new military simulations on our Hard Drives and the Divorce Lawyers will be rubbing their hands in expectation of many new and remunerative cases........

Re:HistWar Les Grognards

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:59 am
pcelt wrote:
Certainly now much improved--but still a real need to improve the realism and authentic portrayal of the 3D actual face to face combat--firefights,charges,melees etc.
In my view the Take Command Series still currently portrays these confrontations much more convincingly and realistically.
Hopefully we should soon have 2 great new military simulations on our Hard Drives and the Divorce Lawyers will be rubbing their hands in expectation of many new and remunerative cases........