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Editing terrain files

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 7:27 am
by ross_ntu
Can anyone think of an easy way to edit these - I have so far loaded them up in Photoshop in order to see what improvements could be made, and imho trees especially look better when they are darker - they don't stand out as much. The only problem is that the files contain multiple versions of the same tree that rotate around in order to give the impression of movement, so any edits I make, while individually making the trees look better, have the unfortunate side effect of making the trees flash because the differences are too noticeable between the different images that rotate.

I cannot think of an obvious way to do this without major fiddling, and ultimately all I want to be able to do is adapt some of the terrain colours that imho stand out too much at the moment, and ideally edit certain others to be a bit more contrasty.

Re: Editing terrain files

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 7:38 am
by ross_ntu
Hmm. Just tried selecting the whole image and burning it all at the same time - theoretically changing each image equally. For some reason it's still flashing. Unless there is another file elsewhere that is related I am not sure what is causing this effect.

Re: Editing terrain files

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:28 am
by bedbug
You are talking about the animated tree sprite cells?

Are you making changes to all the specific images and color channels at once?
Are you saving the .DDS as a DXT3 with no mip maps?

But before you do this, have you callibrated your monitor?
First things first ;)

Re: Editing terrain files

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:13 am
by ross_ntu
I guess that is what they must be- not sure if I'm changing all colour channels at once. In fairness I am not a PS expert and I think this is going to be way out of my league.

My monitor is not calibrated specifically - I think I've done it in the past but the colours I am looking at are not a result of my monitor. What I was trying to do was balance the muted colours of the ground with the more bright colours of the objects- at the moment the objects seem to pop out of the scenery as a result rather than blending in.

Re: Editing terrain files

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:43 am
by bedbug
The beauty of this game is the average bloke can tweak it to his taste and share with like minds. ;)

Re: Editing terrain files

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:49 pm
by ross_ntu
I think in this case some blokes are more average than others ;-) As I say, I would be keen to have a go, and I really appreciate the way the game is set up to support this, but are there any pointers anywhere that could help me change the files without ending up with flashing foliage? Thanks for your comments btw, and I hope I haven't offended you with mine.