To the Roundtops

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To the Roundtops

Post by smokehammer »

Has anyone managed to successfully complete this battle yet? I’ve tried it several times and I keep getting massacred.

Attacking devils den directly is a waste of time, so I tired to outflank through the woods, which went well at first as I shot the union infantry to pieces from the high ground and crossed to the other side.

However once you’ve broken through to the Wheatfield beyond the stream it’s full of artillery which makes it impossible to outflank devils den without being shot apart by canister.

If I try to flank via round top, or the woods all my brigades seem to become obsessed with committing suicide by frontally charging devils den.

Has anyone found a way to flank the Union positions successfully?

Also, is it possible to move your artillery batteries like infantry units? I can’t seem to figure out how; one artillery battery was inactive through the whole battle because I couldn’t move it into range.
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Re:To the Roundtops

Post by RebBugler »


Yes it's winnable, just keep on'a plugin'. Keep in mind, many a great Reb General failed here.
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Re:To the Roundtops

Post by smokehammer »

I'll give it another go, if I can manage to hold on to culps hill I should be able to take the roundtops!

One thing playing this scenario has helped me to appreciate is how difficult the terrain was in real life, you don't get a full sense of how nightmarish it must have been to try an attack there until you've seen it in 3D.
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Re:To the Roundtops

Post by Los »

"Has anyone managed to successfully complete this battle yet? I’ve tried it several times and I keep getting massacred."

Hah! That's too funny, you sound like General Hood. "I DO this under Protest!"
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Re:To the Roundtops

Post by bscottskangum »

I just finished this scenario and took control of Devil's Den and the Round Tops and ended with a score of 2588. Major Victory is 13,000....really? 13,000? I think I could of had a brigade of men armed with m16's and not even come close to that score....
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Little Powell
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Re:To the Roundtops

Post by Little Powell »

bscottskangum wrote:
I just finished this scenario and took control of Devil's Den and the Round Tops and ended with a score of 2588. Major Victory is 13,000....really? 13,000? I think I could of had a brigade of men armed with m16's and not even come close to that score....
13,000 is obtainable. :)

You've gotta grab all objectives and really kick some butt, but it's do-able. :)
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Re:To the Roundtops

Post by bscottskangum »

Little Powell wrote:
bscottskangum wrote:
I just finished this scenario and took control of Devil's Den and the Round Tops and ended with a score of 2588. Major Victory is 13,000....really? 13,000? I think I could of had a brigade of men armed with m16's and not even come close to that score....
13,000 is obtainable. :)

You've gotta grab all objectives and really kick some butt, but it's do-able. :)
I'll take your word that it's doable, I guess that I am just disappointed that I took the Devil's Den pretty simply and forced my way onto Little Round Top all in a total of 45 minutes and throughout took much fewer casualties than the enemy but it was still called a "major defeat."
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Little Powell
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Re:To the Roundtops

Post by Little Powell »

bscottskangum wrote:
Little Powell wrote:
bscottskangum wrote:
I just finished this scenario and took control of Devil's Den and the Round Tops and ended with a score of 2588. Major Victory is 13,000....really? 13,000? I think I could of had a brigade of men armed with m16's and not even come close to that score....
13,000 is obtainable. :)

You've gotta grab all objectives and really kick some butt, but it's do-able. :)
I'll take your word that it's doable, I guess that I am just disappointed that I took the Devil's Den pretty simply and forced my way onto Little Round Top all in a total of 45 minutes and throughout took much fewer casualties than the enemy but it was still called a "major defeat."
Also you have to factor in the variants... You could have gotten the harder variant each time you have played it. :evil:
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Re:To the Roundtops

Post by RebBugler »

Besides the random variants, did you guys not notice the Wheatfield and Peach Orchard objectives. I must admit, I did not have to take the Peach Orchard to obtain a Major Victory, but I had to get close...push, push, push...

Make sure you continue to hold your captured objectives for points, consider them as communication and supply lines or key strategic ground, for historical justification.
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Re:To the Roundtops

Post by smokehammer »

I’m still not having much luck with this; I tried sending the whole division across the river and over round top to attack little round top. It’s as bad as Devils Den! The AI managed to block my attempts to flank the hill then charged and routed my left flank.

How do you overcome the defence bonuses when attacking the hills and devils den? As soon as you get into shooting range each units score drops into minus numbers.

I’m thinking about trying to flank down the emmitsburg road and come up behind little round top, and on the flank of the peach orchard, not sure if there’s enough time for that though.

I might try setting up a position on roundtop then advancing a couple of units in skirmish order to try and get the union troops to advance and attack. I can’t see how to take any of their positions by direct assault, you just don’t have enough men, and half your artillery isn’t even in range. It’s annoying how artillery batteries can’t move, if I could bring the second battery closer to the river I might be able to better support an attack on round top and devils den.

Flanking through the peach orchard isn’t an option, you can defeat the infantry there by setting up on the high ground above the stream and shooting them from there, but then you have to advance into canister and shrapnel fire from the artillery behind them.

How did the peach orchard even fall in real life with all those cannon on the flanks and infantry reserves everywhere?
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