Brickyard scenario - Sample Mod

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Brickyard scenario - Sample Mod

Post by Chamberlain »

Just played this MOD again, and survived with a Minor Victory with 1952 points. Though at one point my point total was over 2500.... Then I took a beating...

There were many Rebs coming at me wave after wave and I had 3 Regiments to defend with. I did see a 4th Regiment, the 73rd Pennsylvania of mine that was in Detached status and I kept waiting for a courier to tell me that they were now available to Attach. So all in all and the end of the scenario, my 3 Regiments had to fallback into town and lost the Objective.

The causalties were, I lost 426 and the Rebs lost 176.... Not good...

I know if I try this again, and attach the 73rd Penn. regiment, my score will be much higher.

It was fun !!! :lol:

-Col. Joshua Chamberlain, 20th Maine

We cannot retreat. We cannot withdraw. We are going to have to be stubborn today
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