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Question on courier system

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:59 pm
by NY Cavalry
I'm trying to learn how to play using only couriers. All of a sudden none of the units are following any commands. I cannot even make a regiment go into skirmish formation. I tried it out on historical. If I click to move the unit a courier takes the message and the order is followed. If I pull up the screen and send a courier nothing happens.
Where as before it was working now nothing.

You guys have that Texas Brigade rated too low.

Re:Question on courier system

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:14 am
by Little Powell
NY Cavalry wrote:
I'm trying to learn how to play using only couriers. All of a sudden none of the units are following any commands. I cannot even make a regiment go into skirmish formation. I tried it out on historical. If I click to move the unit a courier takes the message and the order is followed. If I pull up the screen and send a courier nothing happens.
Where as before it was working now nothing.

You guys have that Texas Brigade rated too low.
So you can't see the courier move to the regiment? Is the regiment TC'd?

Re:Question on courier system

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:25 am
by Monty
I had this problem, then I realised that I had the execution time set in the future. I really wish I had picked up on that before posting a thread on it. :blush:

Re:Question on courier system

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:28 am
by Little Powell
Monty wrote:
I had this problem, then I realised that I had the execution time set in the future. I really wish I had picked up on that before posting a thread on it. :blush:
Good point. Check out the execution time NY Cavalry. :)

Re:Question on courier system

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:49 am
by Boyd
NY Cavalry wrote:
You guys have that Texas Brigade rated too low.
I agree, the Texas Brigade is rated too low. The Texas brigade and Stonewall brigade were considered by many as the two best brigades in the ANV.

Re:Question on courier system

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 12:40 pm
by NY Cavalry
The courier delivers the message and then nothing. I tried it today and now it is working again(???). Maybe its on my end? I must be doing something different.

The Texas brigade had an incredible fighting record. Much of that was in the attack. The 5th Texas is only rated "Good".

Re:Question on courier system

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 1:08 pm
by Kerflumoxed
I have never been able to summon assistance during any of my sandbox games, including one I just completed. Three times I sent a courier to the CO requesting art'y and infantry support. I watched all three couriers sucessfully reach the CO but never received any support or acknowledgement of message.

At the beginning of these games, I always receive a message ordering movement to a locaton on the map. These never appear on the map and I must rely on the movement of "peer" units to identify the general location of the assigned area. Am I the only one not receiving the "markers" on the map?



Re:Question on courier system

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 1:44 pm
by RebBugler
Regarding the courier system, consider this the 'Fog of War' and realism the game sets is purposely an option of the more difficult levels because the player must adjust to stubborn commanders and sometimes uncontrollable circumstances. Don't even waste your time trying to move batteries toward the enemy...they'll merely scoff at your attempts to dislodge them.

"The Texas brigade had an incredible fighting record. Much of that was in the attack. The 5th Texas is only rated "Good"."

Amen, gotta get with Larry and see if we can get them where they ought to be...especially my 3rd Arkansas boys...Volunteers, yeah, they volunteered to kick some Yankee butts, and indeed they did, over and over again. They marched the furthest (along with the Texas units) of all Reb units to fight with Lee, and deserve more respect for that grit alone.

Can you guess I'm from Arkansas? :woohoo:

Re:Question on courier system

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 2:24 pm
by Marching Thru Georgia
Kerflumoxed wrote:
I have never been able to summon assistance during any of my sandbox games, including one I just completed.
I've found that divisions which are held in reserve, or otherwise not fighting, will respond to a request for help. One sad case I had two days ago was in a fight where my division was grossly outnumbered and I asked for artillery support to my center. My corp commander promptly sent the battalion which marched to my left flank and smack into the middle of an advancing Texas brigade. They managed to drive it off, but lost 3/4 of their guns. Unfortunately, I needed them to do more than savage one brigade. The AI really waxed my tail that evening. :blush:

The independent arty battalions behave as if they are infantry divisons. They don't play a useful role in sandbox games unless the player is their commander. I think I read in another thread that Norb was addressing this issue.

The location you are ordered to does not pop up on the map right away. For some reason, it takes ~30 seconds to show up. After I receive my orders, I usually look around for the nearest road, order my troops into column, etc. and then open the map to see how large my wild goose chase is to be. :)

Re:Question on courier system

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 3:36 pm
by Monty
NY Cavalry wrote:
The courier delivers the message and then nothing. I tried it today and now it is working again(???). Maybe its on my end? I must be doing something different.
Have you, as suggested, checked the execution time for your orders?