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GB3Days Rebel Highwater Mark then Yankee Flood

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 12:12 am
by RebBugler
First Day Report: Drove all three fronts successfully, took the high ground


Second Day Report: Held the high ground against numerous waves of blue, primarily led by Hancock


As was historically, the Angle once again becomes a focal point


First time to break 20,000 points, actually got up to 20,200+, thought I had 'em on the run...less than an hour to hang on


YANKEE FLOOD...another wave hits, score started dropping my troops. Should have headed back to Virginia when I had the chance. Oh well, time to rethink my tactics, and give it another go in the near future. One major mistake is fresh in my mind...Anderson's Division. Held him back the second day till the very end, then smashed the Union left that was attacking. He did his job, but the Union artillery reserve had him in their sights...he lost his division to a tune of -2000 points. Must find a way to stay clear of the Union arty...they're vicious.

Re: GB3Days Rebel Highwater Mark then Yankee Flood

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:18 am
by RDBoles
RebBugler, Looks just about the way it played out for me as well. I sent straight over to the cemetary hill,2 div and captured the high ground, and tried to hold on as long as I could. Was doing quite well but could not shake the art that was posted between the town and the hill. Hancock was a bear that also could not be easily delt with. I got up to over 7000 but dropped to 2000 at the end. Great game Reb.

Re: GB3Days Rebel Highwater Mark then Yankee Flood

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 1:03 pm
by charlesonmission

Wow, that looks awesome. Do you play with courier?

Re: GB3Days Rebel Highwater Mark then Yankee Flood

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 5:42 pm
by RebBugler
Thanks for the nice comments guys. Concerning courier play, rarely, but I tested it a lot. I prefer the Hot Air Balloon with jet packs. :woohoo:

Re: GB3Days Rebel Highwater Mark then Yankee Flood

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:42 pm
by JC Edwards
... I prefer the Hot Air Balloon with jet packs. :woohoo:
This is due because at RB's advanced time-line, he cannot afford to expend anything from "natural-resources"!:laugh: :P

Re: GB3Days Rebel Highwater Mark then Yankee Flood

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 9:07 am
by RebBugler
Well, got the Major Victory, but dishonorably...went back and had do-overs from a save, an hour back. Took me three tries, three more hours, and only got it by sacrificing F Lee and Chambliss cavalry brigades, hitting the arty reserve in the rear. Although somewhat gamey, least I've shown a Major Victory is possible by this games standards, but I did practically destroy my army, however, the Union fared far worse...heh heh.


Re: GB3Days Rebel Highwater Mark then Yankee Flood

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 11:38 am
by charlesonmission
What mod is this? I'm guessing you played the Rebels all the way through

Re: GB3Days Rebel Highwater Mark then Yankee Flood

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 1:22 pm
by MarcusC
What mod is this? I'm guessing you played the Rebels all the way through
This is RebBugler's awesome new mod "Gettysburg-3Days in 7 hours". I heartily recommend it, but prepare for a wicked fight! The download can be found in the thread below this one.

Re: GB3Days Rebel Highwater Mark then Yankee Flood

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 5:10 pm
by MarcusC
Had a fairly long post about my two tries on the scenario disappear into cyberspace, so here's a condensed version. Congratulations on the Major Victory-quite amazing! Even if it was from a save, it's still impressive. It's good to know that 20,000 points are possible. You killed 49,000 of the Union? Wow... This scenario certainly is addictive, after my first try at the battle, I was back at it again...Nothing like the opportunity to perhaps change history and have a heavy challenge, eh? On my initial try, I decided to completely ignore Culp's Hill, concentrate on Cemetary Hill and try to make it a fortress. Had a fairly good double line all the way to the Angle but didn't get enough arty up there in time. Reinforcements by Pickett didn't really make it before I was routed and those that did were too exhausted to fight well. So much for my use of "foot calvary"-ha ha. Jeb Stuart and his calvary got bogged down on the Baltimore Pike trying to make an attack in the rear. The Union came in hard down Taneytown Road and it was a brutal blue wave that turned into a rout more quickly than I expected.

My second brilliant try, I again left Culp's Hill alone and went for a stronghold on Cemetary. Got about 85% of arty up along with the strong lines, but decided to have my right flank along the Bryan Farm rather than the Angle. Shortened it up a bit for a bit more concentrated right flank. Brought up my troops in a purposeful and steady manner and they were ready for the battle. Had Hood in reserve well rested. Decided to bring Stuart's Calvary as well to reinforce the line as Custer had broken through and started the rout in Game 1. Repelled two smaller Union attacks on my left flank and the middle of my line fairly easily. Felt a little hope. Then came the wave down Taneytown and a thick blue line right through the Angle straight for the Bryan Farm. As they hit my lines, I had half of Hood's men flank them and the rest swung in behind my lines to reinforce. It worked pretty well, some of the Union were routed and the fight was on. The din of all the arty and muskets was thunderous! I held for a good 30 minutes and Pickett arrived at the perfect time to shore up the right flank which was crumbling. Unfortunately, the damage had been done and they were only able to hold for so long. Really impressed with the immersion level of the battle, I felt so bad for the men that I had the few regiments that were still fighting retreat! During this I found Atlee's Calvary Brigade hiding in town--unacceptable! I had them provide cover for the men and the cannon as they retreated. This second Game was so intense--quite draining.

After a break of a couple of days I decided to try again. Used a save from the start of Day 2. This time I decided that it was time to take Culp's Hill and employ real strategy (ha ha). Brought up my forces and 16 guns-established a very good defensive position. Was also making good progress up Cemetary Hill. Then came a heavy, heavy Union attack on Culp's--almost had my left flank turned but held on. Then worried about the strong Union attack to my middle and brought up more men to shore it up. Noticed a Union Brigade north of Benner's Hill and posted troops and guns near Hanover Road accordingly. They eventually attacked and it made for a stressful time going back and forth. This fight between York and Hanover Roads lasted throughout Day 2. Went back to Cemetary and made a fast, spirited charge into it and pushed the Union right flank back. Was able to make a strong push in the middle of the Hill. On the right flank, I took your tip on capturing guns and was able to cause 15 of them to surrender to some brave regiments near Bryan Farm. More Union troops came down Taneytown and I had to pull them back a bit. Finally routed the forces on York and Hanover Roads. And that was the end of Day 2! Had to pull another save in order to get some sleep for work. All in all, I'm VERY pleased with the way things are going. I'm semi following Lee's battleplan and have Stuart's Cav now to cause trouble behind the Union lines. Hopefully I can capture the guns coming up the Baltimore Pike and do more damage while bringing up Pickett and the others. I've been slowly forming a good line on the high ground between Culp's and Cemetary Hill and hope to have plenty of arty there as well. This is one intense test of one's micro managing and strategic skills, thanks for putting this together! Wish me luck on Day 3 and the heavy waves of blue to come.

Re: GB3Days Rebel Highwater Mark then Yankee Flood

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 7:16 pm
by RebBugler
Nice report MarcusC Sir!

Sorry to hear about your lost reports, I too have lost some. As you probably know now, copy them before you submit...just in case they get vacuumed into hyper space. :(

Hope to hear some more reports. I suggest spicing them up with screenshots (Jpeg please, 'Paint.Net' is a great free app for conversion, plus adding art, pictures, text, etc). I personally use it to build Splashscreens and those DRFlags, plus lots of other stuff. ... f00f1791de

I use 'Photobucket' for the actual placement and storage of the screenshots, it's super's still holding screenies I posted of TC2M shots, years back.
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