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Austrian cavalry Info...

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:17 am
by Jack ONeill

Was working on an OOB containing the 2nd. Reserve Korps for the Austrian Army. Grenediers and Heavy Horse. Since we don't have Kuirassiere,(yet), I was doing up the Dragoon Brigade. One of the Regiments is called the Wurttemberg Dragoons. It is the only reference I have ever seen to them. None of my other information lists them or even has Wurttemberg as a previous name. Anyone have anything on this? Appreciate it.

Jack B)

Re: Austrian cavavlry Info...

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:19 am
by Jack ONeill
Oh yes, and apparently I can't spell "Cavalry." Sheesh...

Jack B)

Re: Austrian cavavlry Info...

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:36 am
by Davinci
Oh yes, and apparently I can't spell "Cavalry." Sheesh...
Jack B)
You do know that you can go back and edit the topic's name.....well don't you?


Re: Austrian cavavlry Info...

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:10 pm
by Jack ONeill

Yes, but that would require me to actually DO something. ;)

Jack B)

Re: Austrian cavalry Info...

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:21 pm
owner of the regiment was duke of württemberg, later Vincenz Freiherr Knesevich (reg. number.: 3) they looks like other dragoons (+red facings) ... av5.html#3

btw. which oob is it? i think they were named after Knesevich in 1809 campaign

Re: Austrian cavalry Info...

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:37 pm
one mere note regarding topic:

some of austrian chevaulegeres regiments was wearing white uniforms like dragoons instead of green: nos.: 3,5,6 (according to napoleonistyka) ... vaulegeres

Re: Austrian cavavlry Info...

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:24 pm
by born2see
Jack ONeill wrote:
Oh yes, and apparently I can't spell "Cavalry." Sheesh...
I always ending up spelling it Calvary which passes the Spell Checker just fine. :cheer:


Re: Austrian cavalry Info...

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:26 pm
by Jack ONeill
Pangi and Born,

Pangi - OOB is from "Crisis on the Danube", Duetches Armee, 20 March, 1809.
Yes, was aware of the occasional Green Jacket among the White-coated Dragoons. Have Napoleonstkya booked-marked for reference online. I figured Wurrtemberg had been the Patron/Owner of the regiment at some point. It doesn't show up in the 1809 or later registries. Thanks for the 1809 name.

Born - Been there with spellcheck. ;)

Jack B)