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Patch 1.4 and cavalry

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:34 am
by alessillo
I downloaded and installed patch 1.4, I made some tests and I'm quite sure that even with this patch the cavalry bug ramains, cavalry still doesn't auto-charge unlimbered artillery...


Re: Patch 1.4 and cavalry

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:49 am
by Little Powell
You are correct, but it's not a bug. It was something put in the game intentionally.

I know it's been brought up before, and I can't remember why we disabled it. But it caused a bug.. Either that or it made cav too powerful against arty because they will pursuit after patch 1.2.

Re: Patch 1.4 and cavalry

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:40 am
by alessillo
If this is not a bug and it is intentional, that a cavalry ragiment at 100 yards from an artillery battery doesn't charge the enemy but takes some canister shots and then retires, I only would like to know if this aspect of the game will be changed in the future. I ask this question because this problem prevent me from making the Zulu mod and the Seven Years War mod.

Re: Patch 1.4 and cavalry

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:58 am
by norb
Actually what you need is for this to be moddable. Most anything can be moddable. Just send an email to support with exactly what you need and it will get in our database.

Re: Patch 1.4 and cavalry

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:46 am
by Little Powell
Ah, didn't recognize the name alessilo. Now I remember you were the one working on the zulu mod. Like Norb said we'll get it into our database. I apologize that we weren't able to get this into this patch. I remember you brought it up long ago and for some reason I thought that we had it in our database for this patch, but apparently we didn't. It will be at the top of the list for the next one.

Re: Patch 1.4 and cavalry

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:34 am
by gunship24
Yes i looked at this also. Its either limbered artillery or artillery that is in the process of limbereing cavalry will not charge. As a side note I also tested out the Melee and firemod in the drills and those also dont seem to do anything still.

Re: Patch 1.4 and cavalry

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:32 am
by Jack ONeill

The thing to remember is you CAN manually charge everything after Gunship and I worked over the drills file. Its a bug, but it can be outflanked.

Jack B)