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Infantry formations ?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:03 pm
by Blaugrana
I've been playing Antietam scenarios using couriers set at 'Brigade and above' and a mixture of courier messages and point and click.

I'm loving it despite the chaos.

One major source of my confusion is the overlapping / muddling of units whereby, for example, brigades from each of my 3 divisions are all mixed up. I think this is, in part, caused by me ordering division commanders to form up in double line, or in line with reserves and there not being enough space on the ground for them to do this next to each other without huge overlapping.

In scenarios such as Hooker's early attack, where three divisions are attacking over a fairly narrow front, when manouvering troops into their 'starting' positions, what formations do you use?

I'd be interested to hear other opinions / options.



Re: Infantry formations ?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:43 pm
by con20or
Hi Blaugrana,

To avoid overlapping, give a 'form up to the left/right flank' of a unit - it should make things a bit clearer. You can order one to form up to the rear too.

Best option of all is move your general to a spot, then give the form up orders to the right/left/front/rear of yourself.

Edit - Glad yourelikinbg the couriers!