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Artillery & the chain of command

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:15 pm
by Blaugrana
I'm playing Antetam scenarios using Couriers at Brigade & above and have many questions :( One concerns artillery:

I played Hooker's I Corps attack and ordered my three division commanders forward and eventually to attack. Most of the artillery seemed to get left way back and I resorted to ordering individual batteries up to the battle, thus ignoring the chain of command and bypassing their divisional commanders.

Is this what others do?

Any advice most welcome.


PS perhaps 2014's V.1.9 will feature eve of battle meetings with our commanders in which the top commander outlines the battle plan and is able, for example, to specify how he wants artillery used ... ;)

Re: Artillery & the chain of command

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:45 pm
by con20or
Yeh, if playing with the AI controlling the troops theyll only order them forward when they think its right - and Im guessing the commanders agressiveness decides this as well.

As for myself, depending on the size of the battle, yes I order the artillery forward myself too.

Im a courier nut, but played most of these scenarios in testing just at normal difficulty - im looking forward to hearing how you get on at them!

Re: Artillery & the chain of command

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:00 am
by Marching Thru Georgia
The artillery AI is not very good. It is really just the infantry AI with a big gun. Read this thread for some ideas on how to command artillery via couriers. Good artillery management has saved my bacon countless times.

HITS Guide

Re: Artillery & the chain of command

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:28 am
by Blaugrana
Yeh, if playing with the AI controlling the troops theyll only order them forward when they think its right - and Im guessing the commanders agressiveness decides this as well.

As for myself, depending on the size of the battle, yes I order the artillery forward myself too.

Im a courier nut, but played most of these scenarios in testing just at normal difficulty - im looking forward to hearing how you get on at them!
I'm getting roundly beaten :(

Have just noticed, at another post-mortem (many mortem) of AN05, three batteries of artillery that I didn't know I had. I'm sure the scenario didn't list them!

I will try again and bring up my artillery. I'll also keep firing off couriers to Jackson and other senior commanders. There were a lot of confederate troops lined up as if on parade just watching their comrades get slaughtered...

Re: Artillery & the chain of command

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:09 am
by Marching Thru Georgia
Blaugrana wrote:
I will try again and bring up my artillery. I'll also keep firing off couriers to Jackson and other senior commanders. There were a lot of confederate troops lined up as if on parade just watching their comrades get slaughtered...
That may be because the scenario writer has nailed them in place so as to not unbalance the battle. They are there because they were there historically. If they were available, then requesting support should have gotten a response. Of course the author's idea of of fair and balanced is a very subjective matter. :laugh: Good luck.

Re: Artillery & the chain of command

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:39 pm
by Blaugrana
Ok - Just fought Hooker's Corps attack again and got a Major Victory using couriers but with the camera set at something like 150 yards and being used to get bird's eye view a lot :blush: I also got rid of trees a lot of the time.

I previously put in some time drilling on brigade and division level infantry formations - very useful to see how these things actually work out.

Also ordered all my batteries up close and moved them again during the battle.

All good fun and I'm counting it as HITS learning curve.

Re: Artillery & the chain of command

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:33 am
by Little Powell
Yeh, if playing with the AI controlling the troops theyll only order them forward when they think its right - and Im guessing the commanders agressiveness decides this as well.

As for myself, depending on the size of the battle, yes I order the artillery forward myself too.

Im a courier nut, but played most of these scenarios in testing just at normal difficulty - im looking forward to hearing how you get on at them!
I'm getting roundly beaten :(

Have just noticed, at another post-mortem (many mortem) of AN05, three batteries of artillery that I didn't know I had. I'm sure the scenario didn't list them!

I will try again and bring up my artillery. I'll also keep firing off couriers to Jackson and other senior commanders. There were a lot of confederate troops lined up as if on parade just watching their comrades get slaughtered...
You don't have control of those batteries, that's why they are not listed in the intro. :)

Yes they are part of your division, but Hood only sent infantry into battle that morning.. We don't want the player ahistorically sending up three batteries to blast away the Yankees.. ;)

And MTG is right. If you see Confederate forces standing around, it's because they didn't engage historically.. Their commanders held them back. Nice job beating the Hooker scenario using Couriers. Very impressive.

Re: Artillery & the chain of command

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:29 pm
by Blaugrana
Thanks for your replies, gentlemen. Good to know my pain was historical :)

Happy 2012!