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OK now....Nobody move

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 8:08 am
by Amish John
If there won't be a scenario designer in the game where you can drag and drop your units onto a map and assign them a formation and direction (and we don't know if there will be or won't be yet) here's a suggestion for an alternative.

How about having an option during the setup of the battle to be able to control both sides (you will still be either Union or Confederate once the action starts) and not let anything happen until you hit some sort of release button. Sort of like a "super TC" button. This would allow you to march all your troops, both Union and Confederate, to the positions you want them, put them in the formation you want, and face them in the direction you want before any units are allowed to move, react to opposing units in proximity, or have any AI active. When you hit the "super TC" button again the AI is released and everything starts as it normally does.

I just thought this might be easier than a full blown scenario designer (if a scenario designer is not yet on the drawing board).

Re:OK now....Nobody move

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:01 am
by Gunfreak
I allways wanted a planing phase in the open play games, were you could place regiments ect.

That way you could make games were you had placed your forces in line and just waiting to see the enemy try and breakt them, or the opposite, you have to break the enemys line.

But this would only work if the AI stayed in line, as soon as the ai decides to march out of formation and tacle the enemy on its own, your well made planes would be useless

Re:OK now....Nobody move

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:38 am
by Amish John
Gunfreak wrote:
But this would only work if the AI stayed in line, as soon as the ai decides to march out of formation and tacle the enemy on its own, your well made planes would be useless
As I stated below, the AI would be on hold until after you placed all your units and the opposing units, at which point you would be able to initiate the AI. Obviously, this method would take more time to position the units than a drag and drop type setup, but it would be better than no ability to create a scenario.

Re:OK now....Nobody move

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 1:04 pm
by Hancock the Superb
The only problem with that that I see is commanders in real fights couldn't do that at all. I believe they should be dropped on a road and you go at it, because that is how they would be.

Re:OK now....Nobody move

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 2:44 pm
by Amish John
Hancock the Superb wrote:
The only problem with that that I see is commanders in real fights couldn't do that at all. I believe they should be dropped on a road and you go at it, because that is how they would be.
You're missing the point. This is meant to let you set up a scenario of your design. Once it is set up like you want it, then the game would start as usual.

Re:OK now....Nobody move

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:30 pm
by ironsight
Reverting back to my earlier idea of an 'instant' battle option might be a trade off and a lot easier to implement in the first release.
Although i like the idea of pre setting up both sides before the first shot is fired just for the fun of it. However, i dunno but i think this might be a bit much to implement in the first release at the 11th hour..maybe i'm wrong.

The 'instant battle' option would essentially be set up by the game having both sides in attack formation glaring at each other say from a few hundred yards or more and just waiting for the other side to make a move before any action started.
How great would that be? Sorta like the 3rd day of Gburg..H'mmm!

Re:OK now....Nobody move

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:37 am
by Ephrum
ironsight wrote:
Reverting back to my earlier idea of an 'instant' battle option might be a trade off and a lot easier to implement in the first release.
Although i like the idea of pre setting up both sides before the first shot is fired just for the fun of it. However, i dunno but i think this might be a bit much to implement in the first release at the 11th hour..maybe i'm wrong.

The 'instant battle' option would essentially be set up by the game having both sides in attack formation glaring at each other say from a few hundred yards or more and just waiting for the other side to make a move before any action started.
How great would that be? Sorta like the 3rd day of Gburg..H'mmm!
I know we've had this discussion before ironsight. The more I think about it, the more I think that would be a fun option. I seriously doubt that I would attack someone with a full frontal assault, when they've had time to set their forces up. But I can think of a few different ways to attack, that might not end up getting my forces routed! When you mention the 3rd day at G-burg, it made me think that would be a cool MP fight. A kind of MP Senario, so to speak.
Maybe that's something Modders can do. Script a, set-up Senario, for MP.

Just thinking out loud.

Re:OK now....Nobody move

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:39 pm
by Hancock the Superb
Just a few hundred yards? Day 3? They were over 1 mile apart!