Rerport of Dr. Charles Leale, first doctor to reach President Lincoln after being shot by Booth

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Rerport of Dr. Charles Leale, first doctor to reach President Lincoln after being shot by Booth

Post by Shirkon »

The first report written by Dr. Charles Leale who was the first doctor to attend to President Linclon after his assassination has been found. You can read the report here from photocopies in Dr. Leale's handwriting.


Scroll down the list of items until you find Dr. Leale's report. This report was submitted within hours of President Lincoln's death.

It's amazing that this was lost for so long and now has been found.

War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.

Sherman, December 1863, remark to a Tennessee woman.
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