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Longstreet Around the Right

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:32 am
by william1993
I found out about these today, and so after I did my calculus homework I decided to play one. So I played the title scenario. I sent Hood's division at the Little Round Top and McLaws at Big Round Top. Hood's division collided with Vincent's Union brigade and they had a shootout. Ward's brigade in Devil's Den made a counterattack and I flanked him with McLaws from Big Round Top. Then I sent Kershaw over to take Devil's Den by storm, not stopping to shoot. Now the 5th Corps (PA reserves and the Regular division) is attacking me.

I am going to make some pictures showing movements and I'll post them when I get done.

Re: Longstreet Around the Right

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:07 am
by william1993

I told you what I had done with Hood's and McLaws' divisions, here is the picture


(1) Law's brigade just beat Strong Vincent's brigade to the top of Little Round Top, doing so would have caused me to have to fight an uphill fight. The 83rd Pennsylvania and 44th New York Infantries were in the front rank of the assault, and they charged and hit the 15th Alabama and 47th Alabama and drove them back before they could deploy. I had a hole in my line.

(2)The 4th Alabama deployed and held the top of the hill, firing down onto the men in blue.

(3) I wheeled the 4th Texas and sent them to fire on the flank.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the hill

Regiments from Ward's brigade in Devil's Den tried to lend some weight to Vincent's assault, if they could distract some of my men, the Union could retake the hill. The 11th Georgia and 48th Alabama held off three regiments + guns.

The 3rd and 4th Maine regiments tried to come up the front of the hill, where they met the 8th and 9th Georgia Regiments. They had a shootfest. At that time I let loose Barksdale's brigade, which came onto their flank with a yell and some firing. The attacks were pushed back and I brought artillery up to the hill.


When I let Barksdale loose, I sent Kershaw straight at Devil's Den. The 2nd South Carolina was stopped by the 86th New York, 1st US Sharpshooters and the guns. The 7th and 8th came up behind the 2nd and pushed forward, driving out the 124th and then the 86th and then turning north to drive away the Sharpshooters. The 2nd was then pushed back by the guns. Meanwhile, the 15th South Carolina came up through the south of Devil's Den and captured Smith's battery so quick that they lost not a man, for they did not have time to turn the guns and shoot. While this is happening, Barksdale has finished his assault and is coming to support the South Carolinians in the Devil's Den. The 17th Mississippi captures the two guns harassing the South Carolinians and the 21st Mississippi joins with the 15th South Carolina to advance to what seems to be an undefended wheatfield.

Re: Longstreet Around the Right

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:08 am
by william1993
That open red squiggle off to the side in the 2nd picture should be the 3rd Arkansas but I forgot to fill it in.

Re: Longstreet Around the Right

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:42 pm
by IronBMike
Great drawings - I love seeing stuff like this. Well executed plan.