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Severe Casualties taken at Gettysburg

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:42 am
by Robert E Lee
Last week, I was playing the Scourge of War Gettysburg demo and I decided to play the Corp Combat Tutorial. Well, here is what happened. I sent Albion Paris Howe's Division of 2,503 men to the front to buy me time to deploy my artillery. I ordered Howe to deploy his division in a line formation about 50-75 yards to the east of the wooden bridge located due north (I think) of Gettysburg, the reason being that there is a little ditch there that is perfect to serve as cover for a defensive fight. Well, they deployed 1/2 mile east of the designated location in the OPEN! And to make things worse, the AI had Howe's forces face south west instead of north even though I clicked on Brigadier General Albion Paris Howe, opened my map and clicked on the location where I wanted the small force to deploy, double-clicked on the ground and wheeled the arrow right until it was facing the enemy and clicked on the button for "battle line with reserves." The Confederate division under Major General Jubal A. Early then proceeded to attack Howe from the north east. The entire division had to about face in order to defend itself (which took forever because most of the division was exhausted from the march). Howe was taking very heavy casualties, so I sent up Wright's Division and one brigade from Newton's division. That went well until, a second Confederate division attacked from the north west. I then sent the rest of Newton's division up to aid Howe and now Wright as well. By the time that the rest of Newton's division ( three brigades)arrived, Howe had just 228 men left to fight off the Confederates and I cant really recall how many men Wright had left, but I know that his division was nearly depleted. after just 15 minutes of very intense fighting, my casualties were at 5,519. That means that I was losing 6 men per SECOND!!!! It was a very major defeat for the Army of the Potomac. I think one of the factors that helped lead up to this result was the fact that I went to options previous to the battle and changed the enemy's regiment strength from 100 to 150.

Thanks for listening, Robert E. Lee

Re: Severe Casualties taken at Gettysburg

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 4:21 am
by Calvin809
Another factor is probably that Robert E. Lee was commanding the Army of the Potomac. ;)