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The Peninsular War OOB Pack

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:02 pm
by Zeke
Dear Friend's it gives me great pleasure to present to you:


Fully reasearched using the British National Archives and Imperial War Museum and other British, French, Spanish and Portuguese historical references -

Features: 8 OOBs and full overview of the battles, biographies on participants, Order of Battle Breakdown and Maps and Pictures.

Re-live and re-fight the battles that changed or influenced the Napoleonic wars.....

I have tried to keep as historically accurate as possible I have had to take some liberties in the uniforms ect - I have included Maida, now before I get any posts I know this was not part of the Peninsular war but actually it was key to British success later as the tactics used were repeated time and again in Spain and Portugal.

The Link is here

Now the boring stuff!!!:

Install Instructions:

Very simple these days with SOWG

1/Ensure you have downloaded and activated all previous Napoleonic Mods:
Road to Wagram
Gatensberg Scenario Mod
Road to Wagram Peninsular Mod
(P.S. dont need my 1800 mod but it out there so give it a whirl!)

2/ Download Mod from the link above

3/ Drop the Peninsula OOB Pack into the Mod Folder

4/ Activate the Mod

5/ You will find all the new OOBs in your sandbox

6/ Enjoy!

Best played on a ratio of 1/4 or 1/8

Best Regards


(Happy Easter by the way!!)

Re: The Peninsular War OOB Pack

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:03 pm
by Tacloban
Gottem, Thank you.

Re: The Peninsular War OOB Pack

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:24 pm
by Leffe7
Wow, this must have been a lot of work, thanks! Your document looks very professional.
Just one question. What is the Gatensberg Scenario Mod needed for?

Re: The Peninsular War OOB Pack

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 7:21 pm
by Zeke
Hi Leffe7

Yep a fair bit of work but interesting and worthwhile doing - The OOB's use some of the Gatensburg's Unit Sprites to deputise for French Spanish, Italian and Irish Legion troops.

Re: The Peninsular War OOB Pack

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 12:01 am
by Trapper
This is an amazing mod, I spent alot of time reading the pdf it was a fascinating read (I especially liked the Battle of Maida). All those OOB's are so great to have, and having it all so well documented really adds to this mod. Thank's again Zeke. :woohoo: