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Could use some help with combining 2 mods here

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:47 pm
by Saddletank
Hi guys

For the purpose of MP play (only 1 copy of certain .csv files can be used) I am combining Zeke's French Revolution mod into Gunship's Napoleonic mod. There's a possible issue over old-style packed sprites with new ones but I think that can be overcome - the game works with a mix of both I am hoping.

I am getting a crash when I try and launch a test sandbox game - "Can't find unit class type 0" is the error. Also the OOB in the game start screen does not show any of the French artillery batteries. I am wondering if there might be certain keyboard chharacters you can use in teh .csv files? (I use full French language with accents etc). I've spent days and days staring at .csv files and I think I'm going blind. If anyone would be able to asist me I'd be extremely grateful.

I can give a link to the mod-in-progress to anyone who feels they could help.


Re: Could use some help with combining 2 mods here

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:28 am
by Davinci
Tank - Question - Do Zeke have a similar uniform-set that is already in the game?

If he does, this is great, if he doesn't, not so good!


Re: Could use some help with combining 2 mods here

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:08 am
by RebBugler
Hi guys

For the purpose of MP play (only 1 copy of certain .csv files can be used) I am combining Zeke's French Revolution mod into Gunship's Napoleonic mod. There's a possible issue over old-style packed sprites with new ones but I think that can be overcome - the game works with a mix of both I am hoping.

I am getting a crash when I try and launch a test sandbox game - "Can't find unit class type 0" is the error. Also the OOB in the game start screen does not show any of the French artillery batteries. I am wondering if there might be certain keyboard chharacters you can use in teh .csv files? (I use full French language with accents etc). I've spent days and days staring at .csv files and I think I'm going blind. If anyone would be able to asist me I'd be extremely grateful.

I can give a link to the mod-in-progress to anyone who feels they could help.

Yeah, the game works with both but for me the FPS hit is not worth it. To add the non-packed sprites you must include the original textures file and add/combine the old sprite lines on to the unitgfx file.

Maybe we can get on Skype sometime and I'll walk you through the packing process. It's not too difficult, just long and tedious. Once you get the procedures down I figure 4 to 5 hours per uniform. I just did one recently and it took me at least 12 hours, but that included backtracking after mistakes, setting up scripts and folders, and re-remembering procedures. At least now it's kinda fresh in my mind. I think you do need to invest in the texture packer app., the other apps I use are free, and File Renamer.

Re: Could use some help with combining 2 mods here

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:15 am
by Saddletank
We could definitely get on Teamspeak. Our HITS group has a server we use by kind donation of one of our members.

For the initial problem though, repacking the sprites isn't my main concern. Its finding out where I've screwed up and I think someone needs to look at the work I've done so far for that.

Re: Could use some help with combining 2 mods here

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:00 am
by Jim
This sounds a lot like an OOB issue to me. My guess is that the game engine is reading one of the special characters as a control code and throwing the read sequence off. For a quick test, make a copy of the oob and search & replace all of the special characters back to standard versions. If it runs, then you can start adding them back one by one to find out which one(s) are the bad actors. Good hunting.


Re: Could use some help with combining 2 mods here

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:31 am
by Jack ONeill

Been through this - you are missing a comma somewhere, literally, or you have added one by accident. A single comma can ruin your whole day. Like Jim says, go back to your original file and start again.

"Molon Labe"

Jack B)

Tank, if you want, post the OOB and I'll do search and destroy on it. I kinda have an eye for it now. LOL!

Re: Could use some help with combining 2 mods here

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:20 pm
by gunship24
i agree. sounds like there is a comma somwhere in unit name or something. load it up in excel or whatever and try a serach for it.