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Fire and Steel.....14 September, 1704

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:31 am
by Jack ONeill
LtGen von Horn wiped the sweat from his eyes, peering into the clearing smoke, searching for signs of advancing French Foot and Horse. Seeing none, he heaved a huge sigh of relief. They had held firm, barely. Turning to his aide.......

LtGen Charles Churchill looked up as his aide approached. "Dispatch from von Horn, My Lord." Churchill scanned the dispatch, nodding in satisfaction as he read....

"My Lord, it was a close thing here at Dierdorf. However, I wish to recommend in the strongest possible way the gallantry of MajGen Reventlow and his Danish Horse regiments in their conduct during this days action.

As ordered, I took my command of 10 battalions, 8 squadrons and 6 guns and proceeded to Dierdorf to secure our left flank and the road junction there. I was under the impression the Prince of Wurttemburg and his command was to join us there. Upon arrival at the town, I could see the dust cloud of advancing troops to the north. A rider from MajGen Erbach Dragoons confirmed they were French and Bavarians. I took up a position behind the small stream just southeast of the town and waited for the enemy. As they approached, I could see I was heavily out-numbered. I could count some 20 French Battalions and an almost equal number of Squadrons approaching. I posted Erbach's Dragoons on my right, as our left was covered by a number of small streams and a heavily wooded area. We waited, both for the French to advance and the Prince's troops to arrive. However, they were not to be seen. The French guns soon thundered into action and ours replied in kind. The French Infantry thereupon advanced and a furious musketry ensued. The French tried again and again to cross the stream, our musketry creating great confusion in their ranks and forcing them backwards. I was sending yet another dispatch for support when several squadrons of French horse suddenly appeared out of the smoke and charged home. They routed 2 of my battalions, forcing my reserves into action to fill the gap. Again and again the French advanced, with the Bavarians moving around my right flank. Gen Erbach's Dragoons did yeomans work keeping them busy, but time was taking its toll on all my men. Just as my tired men were about to break, up rode Gen Reventlow, at the head of 8 squadrons of Danish Cuirassiers. "Compliments of the Prince of Wurttemberg, General. Shall we charge?" Yes, please cover our withdrawal, if you would be so kind." With that, He formed his Horsemen into line and charged home into the stunned French, both Foot and Horse, routing many of them from the field, capturing large numbers of them. It was a stunning display of horsemanship. Unfortunately, the French had fair numbers of reserves, which they immediately flung into the fray. Reventlow's now blown Horsemen fought hard, but were ridden over and scattered. It is my unfortunate duty to inform your Lordship the General was wounded and captured at this time. The time bought by this charge, allowed me to reorganize my men behind yet another small stream and await the French advance. They declined to do so. We gathered our wounded and fell back on the main body as dusk was falling. I regret we were not able to hold the field.

I am your obedient servant,

LtGen Alex von Horn

Re: Fire and Steel.....14 September, 1704

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:52 pm
by Marching Thru Georgia
How come the cavalry never arrives in time for me? Instead, I am usually the one trampled under from a well timed charge by the enemy dragoons. :blush:

Re: Fire and Steel.....14 September, 1704

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:40 pm
by Jack ONeill

Hell, I don't know. I didn't expect them at all in this one. Wurttemberg and his men were diverted by Churchill to somewhere else and I was left holding the bag. I must have sent 6 dispatches for help to Churchill. I figured it was another one of those "desperate rearguard actions" I run into, and we were screwed. He must have sent one to Wurttemberg because Reventlow and his merry band of lunatics just kind of showed up and rocked the advancing French Infantry back on their heels, then charged home on the French Horse. Well-timed, I must say. I'll get some screenshots up here in a bit.

Jack B)