Take Command!

Stuck in a part of the game. Here's where the Grogs help the Newbies. Share your best strategies for winning and try someone elses.
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Joined: Sun Jun 21, 2009 2:35 am

Take Command!

Post by JonReb »

I'm having a blast with the C-Army Antietam scenario as Robert E. Lee. Two hours in and all the Union assaults so far have been repulsed. A really nice job done with the whole battle, it feels like the real deal. Even the pauses in combat are satisfying. Shifting around troops, resupplying, wondering where the next strike will be.

So. A major part of my game play style is to basically take command of EVERYTHING. Even if it's 32,000 men. I love the idea of having total command of an army, and it's always been my best experience with this game series.
I became increasingly capable of this since the days of CWBR where there was only the 1st Manassas OOB to deal with. Then TC2M came out where the odds increase a bit dramatically. It requires a lot of pausing but I can even pull it off with the full fledged Gettysburg OOB.

Does anyone else do this? Or am I just insane? :lol:
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Re: Take Command!

Post by 2ndAcr »

I do it on a smaller scale, only if I am really close and I will sometimes take over a reg or brigade to adjust them etc.

I am more in the MP style with my little groups, we play bigger but longer battles in sandbox mode co-op until our group is big enough for some good head up fights. 3 hours is a normal battle and a few of us have done 5+ hour battles.

Sounds like you need to do some MP.
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Joined: Sun Jun 21, 2009 2:35 am

Re: Take Command!

Post by JonReb »

I've done a few MP matches with teamspeak. Truly awesome. Would love to try it again sometime.
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