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The Stony Hill

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 9:08 am
by 22ndNorthcarolina
I am stuck on this part of the Kershaw carry over mod. I find that the Union Troops on the Emmitsburg RD like to come down and flank me while im assaulting the Stony Hill, Woffords and Barksdale's Birgades just sit there and do nothing. Any tips on how to beat this level?

I tried positioning my troops farther down towards Bennings and Andersons birgade and this tends to work a little more but I hit a roadblock when I get to Sweitzers birgade

Re: The Stony Hill

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 4:42 am
by Little Powell
Make sure you use the defensive terrain to your advantage as much as possible. Try to always position your regiments behind fences, and try and catch the enemy in the open when you are in woods. Get to the objective as quick as you can, but don't tire your forces.

I took a look at the scenario, you may have gotten a variant where Burlings brigade decides to give you a tough time. I would suggest try it again, and they may want to leave you alone next time, making assaulting the hill a little easier.

Additional tips, use the other friendly forces to your advantage. I know that Wofford and Barksdale won't move (they are preparing for their attack on the Peach Orchard), But Anderson is attacking on your far right, and Semmes will come up eventually too. Don't pay attention to the Peach Orchard OBJ. It's only worth 50 points, and really only there for someone that wants an extra challenge.

Good luck!