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Napoleonic, still alive?

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:56 am
by WakelessREX
I just recently acquired SOW and find myselft quite enjoying it. However the main reason i did buy it, having known about ti previously, is that waterloo is coming out and i love napoleonic.

That said is the napoleonic mod multiplayer community still active, ive yet to see anyone on there TS?

Re: Napoleonic, still alive?

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 12:28 pm
by Grog

Would you be referring to our Kriegsspiel group and their the Kriegsspiel SOW TS ?

If so, you are right that the Napoleonic Mod games have taken a back seat in recent months. Some of the more active Nap players have been a bit pre-occupied with RL stuff but things are beginning to look more promising, especially with the next version of the KS Nap mod not too far away.

Also, Digby(Saddletank) has announced the continuation of the Peninsular Campaign, which I and many others are excited about.

Recently, the latest KS ACW campaign is keeping us entertained. We had a 20 player campaign game this weekend played in HITS mode. Awesome.

Feel free check us out. I'm sure another Nap game will be coming up soon.

Re: Napoleonic, still alive?

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 1:46 pm
by Saddletank
Hi WakelessREX, if you've ever wondered how SoW NapMod would depict battles between raw Spanish volunteer armies in 1808 against French reservists and Garde de Paris (hell, both armies are really, REALLY bad in this campaign), feel free to drop by the KS forum in Grog's link above. The battles are almost comically inept!

The Peninsular campaign will resume after a year's break in a few weeks. Accepting player interest now.

Re: Napoleonic, still alive?

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:30 am
by WakelessREX
saddletank, i am most interested, but the site, at least as far as i can see is not set up for newbies very well. Where would i sign up?

Re: Napoleonic, still alive?

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:49 am
by Saddletank
I am pretty sure there's a register button along the top of the first page, below the graphic.