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CTD (Nap Mod)

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:53 am
by crazycaptain560
Hey guys new to the forum, but I have been enjoying the posted mods so far. I am having trouble with the Napoleonic Mod for some reason. It will load fine and I can play for about 15 mins before it CTD. Any thoughts or ideas? The only other mod I run with the Napoleonic mod is the European Map Pack.



Re: CTD (Nap Mod)

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:08 pm
by Saddletank
What is your OS?

There are a couple of Nap Mods out there, which are you using?

I am not sure what you mean by the European map pack. I haven't heard of it. Is it the KS SOW Supplemental Maps Mod? This needs to be used with the KS Napoleon Mod and the mods should be highlighted in your mods list in this order (top to bottom):

Road To Wagram And Peninsular (on the right hand info panel this shows as "Road to Wagram 1809 v1.6")
KS SOW Supplemental Maps v1.03
KS Napoleon Mod (large or small depending on your vertical screen res) v1.710

Turn off/disable ALL other mods except those that just change the graphics like Jolly's/GCM terrain, smoke, etc.

You could also look in your sowgb.log file. Its in Scourge of war - Gettysburg/Work folder. That may give a clue what caused the crash.

Re: CTD (Nap Mod)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:16 am
by crazycaptain560

I'm sorry I should have provided that information to begin with! My bad. I am using Windows 7 64bit.

I am using the Road to Wagram and Peninsular mod V1.6 and I was using these maps ... onic#59359

They show up as Random Maps 6 for me in the Mod screen.

I just downloaded the KS SOW Napoleon Mod, but I was not able to find the KS SOW Supplemental Maps V1.03 download. Do you have a link?

I appreciate all the help!



Re: CTD (Nap Mod)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:47 pm
by Saddletank
Hi Evan

v1.03 of the Supplemental Maps Mod is here.

It includes quite a few of Garnier's random European maps but the minimaps are all made more like the Napoleonic/18thC period with less detail, many woods and some roads not shown, European town and river names, etc. All the NSD stock maps are present, but reworked to European style and every free (but not those you need to buy) add-on map NSD has released like Elkhorn Tavern, Trevallian Station, etc. These all have the fences speed, fatigue and cover affects deleted. The fence models remain but they have zero effect. Some maps have unfordable rivers (shown as 'RM' for Restricted Movement) and a couple have fortifications around some towns (shown as 'Fortified'). You will also, on some maps like Aus_Alpine come across new square stone wall enclosures near some buildings/towns. As Napoleonic and European 18th C warfare featured many combats around buildings such as churches, stone-walled farms, granaries and such, these enclosures are our attempt to represent one or two very strong stone or brick buildings among otherwise wooden settlements. Each can hold a single infantry battalion and we recommend placing these in square inside them so that they can put out fire in all directions and their melee bonus is greatly increased - don't try charging them until you've softened them up!

With the Nap mods generally be aware of the limitations of SoW:GB -

1) The AI has no knowledge of squares and won't form them at all. You need to order individual battalions to form square. If you play vs the AI this gives you, the player, a big advantage. We recommend sandbox play with stronger AI opponents (you can create unbalanced scenarios using Leffe7's scenario generator).

2) Squares were made extremely powerful in melee, in order to allow them to stop cavalry. Unfortunately SoW:GB does not allow modders to give certain formations different melee abilities against different opponent troop types, so a square that is powerful in melee vs cavalry is now also powerful vs infantry. In counterbalance we made them extremely slow. They can move but only sluggishly. DO NOT charge squares with infantry. The best thing is to bring up a battalion and destroy it with firepower, or better still bring up an artillery battery and flatten it with canister. cavalry will usually be beaten off by steady squares but wavering squares can be beaten by fresh cavalry.

The Nap mods are best played in MP where humans on both sides can overcome the limitations of the AI.

You will need to have the mods listed in the exact order I gave above. The KS Nap mod has its own logistics folder so you will need to go into the Road To Wagram Mod folder. find the Logistics sub-folder and rename it something like Logistics_Original or Logistics_Backup. The game will then use the Logistics folder of the KS Nap Mod.

To use the Supplemental maps and the KS Mod correct OOBs, you should scroll through your maps list and ONLY use the ones that start with a country name. There might be Aus_Random6_2 or Italy_Gettysburg or names like that. To use the correct OOBs of the KS mod please ONLY use those OOBs prefixed with OOB_SB_KS_NAP_ There are OOBs for Austria and N Italy 1809, Peninsular 1809-1814, Russia 1812 and Belgium 1815. The mod includes all the Russian, Prussian and 1815 sprites Gunship released after the Road to Wagram mod was completed as well as new, and variable Spanish troop classes.

Last of all please note the KS Nap mod comes in two versions, 'Large' and 'Small'. This refers to the displayed minimap size. If your vertical screen res is 1024 pixels or greater, us the Large version. If less than 1024, you'll need to use the Small one. They are otherwise identical.

Re: CTD (Nap Mod)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:04 pm
by crazycaptain560
Excellent! Thank you so much for all of the help. Once I get this sorted, I may have to start looking for some online play. I have played Napoleonic Miniature Games for several years now, but I love the SOW engine so much I can't wait to get started playing Napoleonic battles here! B)

Re: CTD (Nap Mod)

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:29 pm
by Saddletank
Glad to be of help to a fellow wargamer. I too spent over 35 years playing with miniatures in all periods until computers reached the stage where decent battles were to be had without driving to your friends house, needing an hour to set up and the expense and time of buying and painting the little beggars!

If you like real fog of war, correct chain of command, incomplete control and a friendly non-competitive atmosphere you can try the Kriegspiel group - see link in my sig. We're currently playing the Peninsular Campaign and there's always player slots open.