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Re: GCM Still Going Strong

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:19 pm
by exp101
And how would changes be implemented? You can't do it. It would take Garnier's participation. And, as has been stated so many times, he's no longer available.

Re: GCM Still Going Strong

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:27 pm
by mike1984
Glad to know the goal posts are constantly moving on this.

So if your power steering goes, you instead build a whole new car from scratch?

And say in a perfect world I could fix everything. I'd host the new version on my own. Most of the active players have had to make new accounts in the last year or two anyway. So it's not like the "starting over" issues would matter.

Back to the original point... I gave a good recommendation, years of trying to boost numbers, forum participation, and more, when I thought GCM was worth my positive reviews. But now I have a negative review on GCM, so I posted that.

Re: GCM Still Going Strong

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:33 pm
by StephenColbert27
If Historical immersion is why you play GCM, you might want to rethink. Last I checked, column charges, objective holders/wagons, et cetera were not big in the Civil War. This sounds more like someone pissed off that he's not being listened to trying to get back at the people he doesn't like.

Re: GCM Still Going Strong

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:43 pm
by mike1984
Ha, you're absolutely correct about the historical immersion. Regiments also rarely center-wheeled in battle, and such things like that. That's why I said "any sort of..."

And yeah, I'm pissed about how this whole thing has been handled since I first brought it up a year ago or more. It was probably when the original GCM forum crashed and I volunteered to host it myself (as Garnier offered) that this all started.

But I expected some piling on from here on out...

Re: GCM Still Going Strong

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:51 pm
by StephenColbert27
Can the "woe is me" attitude. People aren't interested in what you have been proposing, and you're upset. That's fine. But that doesn't mean you should throw a tantrum and try to direct people away from a game that has not changed much since you first recommended it. GCM multiplayer gameplay has never been that historical. Players have learned to use the mechanics of the game in ways that real life simply did not allow for. That's how we play, and have played always, since before you or I became part of the community. Trying to stop people from coming on grounds of historical immersion is disingenuous. As said previously, it's pretty clear that you are trying to get back at a
community you feel has not given you your due.

Re: GCM Still Going Strong

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:54 pm
by mike1984

Re: GCM Still Going Strong

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 11:00 pm
by StephenColbert27
Now that that's dealt with, I heartily recommend people join GCM. The games are fun and unpredictable, and the community very active, if relatively small. Games everyday at 4 PM Central, and usually one after. Be prepared for a steep learning curve, but other players are more than happy to provide guidance and tips for rookies. After a couple battles you'll probably have a good hold of the tactics and strategy involved. Though I will say as someone who has played GCM for a couple years, you never really stop learning.

Re: GCM Still Going Strong

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 11:06 pm
by Mark
Why on earth would you get your panties in a punch over regimental numbers? Who really cares. The battles are still outstanding and we get 8-20 people a night.

What more could anyone want?

Re: GCM Still Going Strong

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 11:37 pm
by exp101
Seriously, Mike, we can agree to disagree on these things but you should come back to play. We've made a few adjustments since last you ventured forth that you'll likely find interesting. You were a good player and had, I suspect, many enjoyable battles. As for the regimental numbers, how about a compromise? Just drop the last digit from the number -- GCM (like all games) is all about using our imaginations anyway! ;-)

Re: GCM Still Going Strong

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:08 am
by States
I never realized the brigade pool was broken. I haven't used that in over a year, I'd rather refit than trade an entire brigade. I never used the regiment listing but it looks cool if it wasn't apparently broken. Regiment numbers never bothered me. I recommend GCM, I wouldn't want to play Scourge without the mod.

Some of you claim GCM is "not historically accurate" but I disagree. I think it's the best Civil War simulator in it's genre currently available. I think specifically, the mechanics are very accurate.

The reason column charges happen more often in GCM is because we are able to communicate in real time with a bird's eye view. Successful column charges are less common in HITS games. If commanders in the Civil War had our advantages, I think their battles would have been similar. I think their casualty ratios would have been similar because I think Garnier did a good job tuning the game mechanics.

How many times do you find yourself in a classic fish hook (Gburg), or a spinning battle, or flanking ambushes(Chancellorsville)? Many replays end up looking very close to historical battles, I think that's awesome.

I visit Kennesaw Battlefield sometimes, north of Atlanta. The Confederates had a "dead angle" of entrenchments jutting out in the shape of a V. Sherman charged up that mountain and tried to hit the point of that V with 2 divisions of men tightly packed in columns!

Naturally, Confederate artillery obliterated the columns and additional rifle fire from elevated positions stopped 9,000 Yanks dead in their tracks.

I read about that battle before playing GCM and didn't even know what a division or columns were at the time. Playing this game gives you a much better idea of what historical battles looked like, why they failed or succeeded, how to understand battle reports, what is good or bad ground, etc. This game helps a person read a battle field more effectively. Of course it's not perfect, but it's much more realistic than the Total War games for instance.

Edit- Oh yea and hope to see you return sometime Mike, you're a good player even if you are finicky. :lol: