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Twelve Corps Surge to the West Woods

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 5:35 am
by Irish Brigade
Does any one have any advice on this scenario? I can't seem to get a major victory. I always get overwhelmed by elements from Jackson's Corps in the West Woods. Williams division I usually send towards the two West Woods objectives while I usually send Greene to his waypoints at the East Woods and the Mumma Farm. Williams' unit usually gets destroyed, while Greene's units make some headway, but not at the speed I like. Barksdale's unit seems to be the one that overruns William's division. :) Any advice will be great! Thanks!

Re: Twelve Corps Surge to the West Woods

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:02 am
by RebBugler
With replays you know now where the objectives are going to pop up. As you enter the West Woods try not to activate the objectives too early, move your troops ahead and secure a perimeter between the objective and where you know the Rebs will attack from. When the perimeter is established activate the objective. Because...the activation is what summons the Rebs to attack the objective.

Also, Williams has a large but green and weak regiment if I recall correctly, just not the name. Keep it back behind friendlies, moving it up gradually as the friendlies advance. Then, when close enough RUN it to the first West Woods objective and use it to occupy and help support. Don't count on it for much fighting for it breaks easily.

You're on task with Green getting the waypoints, do your best to keep his progress from bogging down, charge stubborn units in your way. Keep a unit fresh to charge the guns on the knoll as you approach the West Woods.

I hope I'm discussing the right scenario, it's been a while... :unsure:

Re: Twelve Corps Surge to the West Woods

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:12 am
by Irish Brigade
You are right that Greene has one large regiment of conscripts. Williams has about four. The problem securing the West Woods objective is that Taliaferro's brigade is there already, preventing a flanking operation on Semmes' right flank. Semmes and the brigade of Louisianans attack me when I am holding the West Woods objective. It is hard to set up a perimeter in the midst of an enemy attack. About half the time, the Black Hats along with Patrick's brigade will not commit themselves to my attack. Sometimes they will not attack at all. When I start holding the objective, Barksdale comes and attacks me on the flank while I am engaged with Semmes, causing my men to break and run. :( I am keeping a reserve like you suggested and focusing on creating perimeters. Do you have any more suggestions on how to beat this Antietam Six Scenario?


Re: Twelve Corps Surge to the West Woods

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:32 am
by RebBugler
Short of replaying the scenario, I'm out of ideas. However, since you mentioned that Williams had multiple green regiments, I think keeping his whole brigade back behind friendlies was a key, then pouncing on the West Woods as Greene's brigade draws near.

One other thing I recall now, move Greene swiftly to the first waypoint or friendlies will steal the first waypoint objective points. I learned later how to avoid this issue with proper scenario scripting, but at that time of development I was still climbing the scenario design ladder.

If I remember correctly only Sarge, privatewilly, and myself were able to 'Major Victory' this scenario, the other testers just cussed me as they floundered. I've relaxed somewhat over the years, but I still refuse to build a scenario that can be conquered with one play. If a scenario is not a challenge, what's the point.

Re: Twelve Corps Surge to the West Woods

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 3:05 am
by Irish Brigade
Thanks! I agree! One of the reasons why I love Scourge of War is that it can be extremely challenging at times depending on the scenario. Especially when one is outnumbered and the AI aggressiveness is high. Much like the real Civil War, the unexpected continually happens and I like the innovation required. I am excited for any future Civil War games Scourge of War will come out with. It would be cool to see one based on Spotsylvania Court House, Shiloh, Franklin, and an expansion about the Battle of the Crater.