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Seven Years War-Battle of Leuthen Released

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 6:44 pm
by remus
Hi All

In case you are not aware of the history of the SYW it took place between 1756 and 1763.Part of the SYW was the French and British in America and in Europe the initial protagonists were Frederick the Great of Prussia and Charles of Austria.

The Battle of Leuthen was a European battle and a major victory for Frederick the Great over Austria. When you consider that the Prussian army had approximately 28000 troops compared to app.70000 Austrians then it emphasises how major a victory it was.

So you will have quite a challenge to win with Prussia, but Prussia is a better organised army, better trained, better officers and disciplined infantry. Choose your strategy and terrain well and a win is possible.I have included five Orders of Battle, one full and four Corps battles. This will allow first timers to get used to the game.

Please post if there are any problems. Feedback on how to improve the mod will also be appreciated.Hopefully the next mod will be the Battle of Hastenbeck which is between the French and Hanoverian armies

Unzip the download and place into the mods folder

Credit goes to Alessillo for the use of his flags and KLA for the use of his sprites.

Remus Battle of Leuthen ... endence.7z = American War of Independence ... /AWI_02.7z = AWI OOB for Long Island

Please try this link as it seems to be working.Let me know if there are problems. I have included links for the American War of Independence

Re: Seven Years War-Battle of Leuthen Released

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:00 pm
by Wenzel
I will only be able to test it (and provide some feedback) over the weekend! So far, I've only taken a small look. And boy! Great work! I can hardly imagine how much work it was to "shoot" all those sprites! Thumbs up!

Do you plan to add some UI-stuff and unit/leader pictures? At least the highest tier of leaders shouldn't be a problem picture-wise. Moreover, I could standardise all the terms in the OOB and come up with some minor corrections. Would you prefer to have the overall terminology (e.g. general-ranks) in german or english?

I noticed that the Habsburg army does not feature any grenadiers? I need to read up whether I can find something about them in the battle of Leuthen. Even though grenaider-battalions were not institutionalized as in the Prussian armies, on the operational scale, in the Habsburg army, grenadiers were often formed up to build an elite detachement (for vanguards, etc. - often combined with other light/elite troops such as grenzer). It would be a shame not to have any bearskinned grenadiers, don't you think? (not even mentioning grenzer grenadiers with bearskin caps - yes, they were actually a thing!)

Vivat Maria Theresia! :)

PS: Some contemporary art (not including boring uniform works) to spark everyone's interest in the Third Silesian War:

Re: Seven Years War-Battle of Leuthen Released

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 5:43 pm
by remus
Hi Wenzel

Many features will improve as the Mod develops. Feel free in the meantime to work on the points you have mentioned. If your keen I have some portraits of officers which your welcome to use if you can do it. I didn't have the time.German and English terminology would be good. I think it may gave some players more immersion.

The OOBs I have used from Project SYW doesn't list Austrian Grenadiers as converged battalions so the only ones would be in the musketeer battalions as companies. I chose not include them with/in the musketeer battalions mainly to safe on memory. There are other battles that definitely includes them and when it does I will include them. I do have the sprites when they are needed


Re: Seven Years War-Battle of Leuthen Released

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:36 pm
by remus
Hi all

Just a reminder that the American War of Independence can be found in this link as well.


Re: Seven Years War-Battle of Leuthen Released

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 7:04 am
by Don
Your mod is probably great, but the link to it doesn't work. Are there any alternative links?

Re: Seven Years War-Battle of Leuthen Released

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 10:49 pm
by Chichetr
Screenshots would also be useful!

Re: Seven Years War-Battle of Leuthen Released

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 11:29 pm
by Saddletank

Re: Seven Years War-Battle of Leuthen Released

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 5:38 am
by remus
Hi Don and Chichetr

Saddletank has already provided the link where you can find the screenshots, thanks Saddletank. The link for this mod is probably down at the moment as I tried opening it recently on my iPad to check. It. I was able to get into the site with a bit of manipulation but could not download unto my iPad. I have benn away from home for the last two weeks and without my computer. I get back 12th Dacember and will contact mediafire as this is not the first time it happened. Hopefully it will be corrected ASAP


Re: Seven Years War-Battle of Leuthen Released

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 5:42 am
by remus

Re: Seven Years War-Battle of Leuthen Released

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 1:28 pm
by roy64
I know this doesn't help much but I can download it with no problems at all.